Yehudit Ohana

Salt of the Earth
How did the 'salt of the earth' become a 'cancer of the state'?

The left does not have the wise man to stop the drift and criticize the way of dividing the people and destroying the country in which they are working and towards which they are aiming. The majority of the people believe in the importance of the settlements project and for it, the settlers, not only are not 'the cancer of the state', but the salt of the earth, in whom they believe and to whom they give their hope

Yehudit Ohana | 06.09.23

Right or 'Other'?

Opinion: The right people and the other people

The group of 'the right people' can be identified in any field in the public sphere. in the economy, in the military, in law, in the media and in academia. They worked hard in securing their place and the place of their relatives and associates in the centers of power and control on the one hand and in building glass ceilings and tight screens at the entrance gates, to prevent the intrusion of the 'other people' into these systems

Yehudit Ohana | 30.08.23