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Rabbi Luberbom
Baruch Dayan HaEmet

Jerusalem bids farewell to Rabbi Shlomo Luberbom: "Symbol of integrity of Geula"

A righteous man has been lost from the earth. Last night, Rabbi Shlomo Eliezer Luberbom of blessed memory passed away. He was among the elders and distinguished Hasidim of Boyan, owner of the restaurant "Delicacies of Geula" - Luberbom at "Kikar HaShabbat," and was 86 years old at his passing. The funeral will be held this morning in Jerusalem.

Chaim Rosenbaum
MAR 16, 2025
A child avoiding smoking. Illustration.

Merriness Today, Not Death Tomorrow

Israel Cancer Association to Haredim: Don't give kids cigarettes - even electronic ones

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Haredi fighter training to be a border policeman

The fight for conscription equality is far from over

IDF confirms: Recruitment target of 4,800 Haredim in one year cannot be met

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Pittsburgher Rebbe


Changing the rules: The Pittsburgher Rebbe’s secret to success lies in humble leadership

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Soldiers completing their beret march.

A True Sanctification of God's Name

WATCH: Netzah Yehudah soldiers finish beret march

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Vizhnitz Rebbe.

A Complete Recovery

After a Week of Hospitalization: The Vizhnitz Rebbe Discharged from Hospital 

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Shas spirtual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef looks on as Ultra Orthodox Jewish men gather for a conference at the Jerusalem's International Convention Center

Revisiting the Haredi Draft Debate

This is what Rav Ovadya Yosef really thought about haredim in the IDF 

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Minister Goldknopf.

Draft Law Controversy Heats Up

Harsh attack within ultra-Orthodox parties against Goldknopf

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Ultra orthodox Jewish men of the Rachmastrivka Hasidic dynasty

Faith doesn't mean inaction

The hasid broke: “Every time I told the Rebbe my wife was abusing me, He said, ‘This is your tikkun’”

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Rav Zilberstein

Fascinating Q&A

Seminary students ask Rav Zilberstein: Where should Haredi women work? | Livelihood and more  

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men in Jerusalem


WATCH: Brazen attack: Extremist Hasidim use tear gas against Karlin Rebbe

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Haredim in Bnei Brak.

Religion vs. Secularism Wars

Education wars: New York State closes three Williamsburg schools


Targeting a well-known media consultant

3AM grenade launched in Bnei Brak, shattering the quiet

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Shalom Bayis Crisis: What’s Behind the 40% Spike?

Frum Marriages in Crisis: Divorce Rates Soar Across Eretz Yisroel – Here’s What’s Happening

Yeshiva students

Targeting Yeshiva Students

Crisis in Yeshiva World: Missionary Groups Posing as Haredim Target Students

image of something

In Jerusalem's Halls, 600 Dreams Fade

Jerusalem's Haredi girls' seminaries blatantly discriminate against Mizrachi students – and the parents are furious

Rabbi Naftali Tzvi (Herschel) Weinberg ztz"l

Baruch Dayan HaEmet

OBITUARY: Rabbi Weinberg, Prominent Slonim Hasidic Leader, Dies at 73

Rachmastrivka Rebbe's car plunges into sinkhole

Chasdei Shamayim

NEW YORK: Hasidic Leader's Car Plunges Into Manhattan Sinkhole During Hospital Visit

770 International Chabad Center in Brooklyn

Strange Chabadnikim

Chabad tunnel scandal: Judge condemns "disgraceful" act by Hasidic students 

Romanian synagogue

Welcome home

A Haredi family made aliyah to Israel from this unexpected place 
