Rabbi Benny Lau

"I Ask for Forgiveness"
Rabbi Benny Lau's Correction: "I Ask for Forgiveness from Those Whom I Hurt"

I request to amend the way I engage in my struggle with people whose opinions are challenging to me, and there is a deep division between them and me regarding the interpretation of the Torah and the vision of a Jewish state in Israel. I need to contend with the substance of the matter and not with the individual.

| Rabbi Benny Lau | 15.10.23

Rabbi Benny Lau

Rabbi Benny Lau: This is what really happened in the Sukkah

Rabbi Benny Lau says in an interview that he did not see Minister Wasserlauf at all, explains why he did not have a dialogue with Zvi Sukkot and why he is willing to talk to Shikma Bressler and not to the people of Otzma Yehudit

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 05.10.23

"If I were Rabbi Benny Lau"

Rabbi Avraham Stav shares: "If I were Rabbi Benny Lau"

Rabbi Avraham Stav refers to Rabbi Benny Lau's abandonment of the sukkah into which Rabbi Yitzchak Wasserlauf entered, and says that he would have behaved differently: "They are also part of us. There is something to hear from them as well and we must talk to them"

JFeed | 05.10.23

"Jerusalem Union": Hosted by Rabbi Benny Lau

The members of the "Jerusalem Unity" party were hosted by Rabbi Benny Lau

Members of the "Jerusalem Unity" party were hosted in the sukkah of Rabbi Binyamin Lau. Rabbi Lau called on the party members to continue to fight for the Jewish character of Jerusalem

JFeed | 05.10.23

Yehoda Vald

Yehoda Vald: A hug for the blasphemers of tradition - a spit for the worshippers

Rabbi Benny Lau abandoned MK Michal Waldiger's Sukkah upon the entrance of Minister Wasserlauf.  Yehoda Vald: "I found an upside-down world. Love for the 'brothers in arms' - hatred for the Torah Nucleus"

JFeed | 04.10.23

Rabbi Benny Lau

Minister Wasserlauf entered; Rabbi Benny Lau abandoned the Sukkah

Last night, Rabbi Benny Lau held in MK Michal Waldiger's Sukkah, an evening of conversation attended by several members of the Knesset, upon the entrance of Minister Yitzhak Wasserlauf he left the Sukkah

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 04.10.23