Gaza envelope

Gaza envelope, Tisha B'Av
Gaza envelope areas now closed military zones ahead of Tisha B'Av

Southern Command's Maj. Gen. Yaron Finkelman imposes restricted zones as tensions rise for Tisha B'Av observance.

Avi Nachmani | 12.08.24

Gaza Envelope, Hamas, Repatriation

Gaza border evacuees: "Don't force us to go home!"

Israeli evacuees from Gaza border communities petition High Court against government's repatriation plan. Amid ongoing conflict, residents argue the forced return prioritizes political optics over their safety and mental health.

Gila Isaacson | 07.08.24

Kibbutz Zikim, Gaza envelope, new threat

The New Threat to the Gaza Envelope: "We Can't Leave the House"

In Kibbutz Zikim, located in the Gaza Envelope, residents have dealt with the threat of rockets from Gaza for years. After this threat was nearly eradicated, they are now facing a new and unexpected threat: "You can't leave the house."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 04.08.24

Israel - Hamas War

Netanyahu: "It is impossible to support the elimination of Hamas while also pushing for ending the fighting"

Against the backdrop of calls for a ceasefire from the world, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu clarified that "it is impossible to support with one hand the elimination of Hamas and with the other to pressure us to end the war, which will prevent the elimination of Hamas."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 10.12.23

Sivan Rahav-Meir

A Kitchen, a Hotel, and a Tunnel: Three Stories That Really Happened

From the hotel kitchen through Tefillin at the base to the captivity tunnels of Hamas - new chapters of kindness and generosity are being written here,  between man and his Maker and between a man and his friend.

Sivan Rahav-Meir | 29.11.23

Elon Musk In Israel

Elon Musk Toured With Netanyahu in the Gaza Envelope

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu toured Gaza City together with entrepreneur Elon Musk. During the visit, the two toured the family home of the late Ofir Liebstein and the home of the Itamari family where they listened to the story of the girl Abigail.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 27.11.23

A Special Grant

Smotrich: A Special Grant for Residents of the Gaza Strip Envelope

The minister announced a special grant to the Gaza envelope regional authorities in the total amount of 30 million shekels and an additional grant that will be given individually to every resident who was evacuated, with 1,000 shekels per person, up to 5,000 shekels per family.

JFeed | 12.10.23

The Perimeter Fence

This is How the IDF is Repairing the Perimeter Fence in the Gaza Strip

With the acquisition of control over the Gaza envelope, engineering teams are working to close the breaches that have opened along the border. Additional forces are clearing the combat gear and explosives left behind by the terrorists.

JFeed | 11.10.23


Alarm in Gaza envelope: rockets were launched from Gaza towards the sea

An alarm was sounded in an open area in the north Gaza envelope after a number of rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip towards the sea and did not cross into Israeli territory. The shooting was carried out as part of the training of the military arm of the Islamic Jihad

JFeed | 03.10.23