
Israel-Gaza War
Chief of Staff Halevi: We're encouraging Haredi enlistment

Halevi spoke to soldiers of how "every battalion" formed from Haredi recruits helps relieve thousands of reservists from defensive duties.

Avi Woolf | 16.06.24

IDF, Charedim

Israeli singer Hanan Ben Ari urges charedim to enlist

Hanan Ben Ari issues a heartfelt plea for unity and enlistment amid national crisis.

Gila Isaacson | 14.06.24

IDF, Conscription Law, Opinion

Anger over revival of conscription law, the shameful decision of the Knesset

The continuation of the controversial draft bill in Israel serves as a slap in the face to soldiers who have been serving since October 7th.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 13.06.24

Haredim, IDF

Israeli Lawmakers revive controversial bill on Charedi military exemptions 

Legislation to lower exemption age for Yeshiva students faces political and legal hurdles.

Gila Isaacson, JFeed Staff | 11.06.24

IDF, Conscription Law

Knesset to Vote on Conscription Law Amid Political Tensions

Gantz is expected not to support the bill, and it is likely that other Likud Knesset members and The United Arab List will also oppose the vote.

Gila Isaacson, JFeed Staff | 10.06.24

IDF, Charedim

Does the IDF even want Charedim? Knesset report shows very high rejection rate of candidates

A Knesset report shows that of 4,000 Charedim who volunteered to enlist between October 7 and February 2024, just 540 were drafted.

Avi Woolf | 06.06.24

Polls, IDF, Charedim

Poll: Overwhelming majority of Charedim oppose draft, even for non-yeshivah students

81% of Charedim polled said they support the Rabbinic view that even non-yeshivah students shouldn't be drafted. 65% support leaving the coalition if yeshivah students are drafted.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 02.06.24

IDF, Draft, Charedim

Ynet: Gallant criticizes both Charedim and Gantz for failing to arrive at draft compromise

The Defense Minister also said he would not support a draft law not supported by the State Camp party, whether inside or outside the government.

Avi Woolf | 26.05.24

IDF, Charedim

Charedim Only: The IDF's new brigade for Israeli ultra-Orthodox Jews

The plan includes obligatory prayer and religious study and a woman-free environment, with 3,000 expected to be drafted.

JFeed Staff | 15.05.24

IDF, Charedim

Gantz to Netanyahu: Israel needs soldiers, not political stunts

State Camp party leader Benny Gantz sharply criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu's decision to move a Draft Law from Naftali Bennet's term forward: "The temporary bridging law is not relevant to the reality after October 7."

JFeed Staff | 15.05.24

IDF, Charedim

State to Supreme Court: We are working to draft Charedim in the immediate future

The government submitted a response to the Supreme Court regarding the draft, saying they are engaged in staff work to immediately draft Charedim and work to ensure continued drafting of Charedim in the longer term.

JFeed Staff | 01.05.24

IDF, Draft, Charedim

Progress on the draft? Likud and Charedim claim major breakthrough towards new draft law

Charedi news site Kikar Hashabbat claims the government and Charedi leadership have made breakthroughs in trying to resolve the draft law crisis.

JFeed Staff | 11.04.24

IDF, Draft, Charedim

Change of heart at Shas? The clarification letter of the Head of Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah on the draft

The leader of the Shas Religious Council issued a letter clarifying that negotiations regarding the draft of yeshivah students are with their approval.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 11.04.24

IDF, Charedim, Supreme Court

Nine judge panel and date set for hearing on Draft Law

Following the interim injunction ordering that draft-eligible yeshivah students ceased to be given public funds, the Supreme Court has determined the panel and the date for a full hearing on appeals against the Draft Law.

JFeed Staff | 10.04.24

Israel-Gaza War, Draft, Iran

IDF Spokesperson discusses Charedi draft, Iranian drone attack

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari confirmed that the drone striking a naval base near Eilat was "produced by Iran and guided by Iran."

Uriel Be'eri, Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 01.04.24

IDF, Charedim, Judea and Samaria

Report: How the IDF wants to draft and use Charedim in the armed forces

Due to the need for more soldiers and to integrate Charedim into the army, Central Command Commander Maj.-Gen. Yehuda Fuchs has a new plan to use them to reinforce Judea and Samaria.

JFeed Staff | 31.03.24

IDF, Draft

Calcalist: Supreme Court injunction against funding draft-eligible Charedim affects 56,500 yeshivah students

This number is about a third of Charedi yeshivah students overall, and most of the students of the big yeshivahs (for the unmarried).

Avi Woolf | 28.03.24

IDF, Charedim

Senior commentator Amit Segal explains significance of Supreme Court Charedi draft injunction

Segal explained the fine print on the Supreme Court's interim injunction denying funding to yeshivahs of draft-eligible students on his Telegram channel, explaining that "the possibility of Charedi departure (from the government is) not before June."

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 28.03.24

IDF, Charedim

Supreme Court: Government funding for yeshivahs to end April 1

Supreme Court justices Uzi Fogelman, Yitzhak Amit, and Noam Solberg issued an interim injunction freezing funding for draft-eligible yeshivah students starting April 1.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 28.03.24

Israel-Gaza War, Draft, Charedim

Gallant: "We will need the enlistment of all parts of the nation and society in 2024"

The Defense Minister noted during a ministry conference that "we will need to ensure our qualitative and quantitative advantage."

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 20.03.24