Crime, Drug smuggling

3 arrested for attempted smuggling of 8 kg of drugs into Israel

2 sisters and another suspect have been detained for attempting to bring drugs into Israel from Cyprus including 8kg of MDMA and Ketamine. The assumed smugglers were caught at Ben Gurion Airport and are under investigation by Israeli Police.

Drug smuggling (photo: Animaflora PicsStock/shutterstock)

Israeli police report that two sisters attempted to transport 8 kg of drugs in a suitcase and were apprehended at Ben Gurion Airport. The suspects travelled between hotels in Cyprus, with another individual who supplied the drugs covering their accommodation expenses.

Detectives successfully identified the pair upon their arrival in Israel from Cyprus. Initial inquiries indicate they have no ties to organized crime. An attorney representing one of the suspects stated, "She was unaware that drugs were in her suitcase."

Israel Police's Special Detective Unit 747 intervened today (Thursday) after an undercover operation, thwarting an attempt to smuggle 8 kg of MDMA and ketamine by the two sisters, residents of Jerusalem in their twenties and thirties, along with an additional suspect from Ramle in his twenties, channel 12 reports.

Upon their arrival from Cyprus, detectives identified and detained the two suspects before they could enter the country. A search of their luggage revealed packages suspected to contain narcotics. Both suspects were arrested, and during questioning, it was discovered that the Ramle resident, who delivered the suitcases to them in Cyprus, was due to arrive a few days later and was subsequently apprehended.

The suspects have been placed under house arrest. Initial investigations indicate they moved between hotels in Cyprus, with the police noting, "Israel Police's Special Detective Unit 747 in the Central District collaborated with other agencies at the terminal to identify the suspects involved in smuggling and prevent the entry of various dangerous drugs into Israel via the airport."

Attorney Shai Gabbai, representing one of the suspects through the Public Defender's Office, described her as "a typical young woman who cooperated fully and adamantly asserts she had no knowledge that drugs were in her suitcase."


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