In a heartwarming medical miracle, an Orthodox Jewish family welcomed quadruplets - three girls and a boy - at Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center in Bnei Brak this Sunday morning.
Health correspondent Merav Cohen, explained "This happens once in a million births. We're talking about a full, successful pregnancy carrying through to 32 weeks."
While fertility treatments helped make this dream possible, carrying quadruplets to 32 weeks marks a remarkable achievement in itself, doctors noted.
The halls of the Bnei Brak hospital buzzed with joy as news of the successful delivery spread. Professor Manny, head of the Women's Division, said: "We are honored to have been part of this extraordinary journey. The dedication of our medical staff, their careful preparation, and years of experience all came together for this beautiful moment."
As the family begins their new journey with four tiny additions, the medical team reports that both mother and babies are doing well.
The new arrivals join five older siblings - including two sets of twins - bringing the family's total to nine children.
The birth marks a unique milestone for the Bnei Brak family, who have now experienced multiple births three times.
Notably, when the mother discovered she was carrying four babies, the parents sought guidance from Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein shlita regarding medical recommendations for selective reduction. He advised against reduction and gave his bracha that all four babies should be born healthy.
Mazal tov!
Channel 14 contributed to this article.