The police announced that following extensive investigative operations, the two missing sisters, who were suspected to have been kidnapped by their mother, were located in an apartment in the Krayot area, along with their mother, who was arrested on the spot.
A special task force established by the regional commander, Brigadier General Avi Biton, conducted a covert investigation in collaboration with the Operations Directorate's Intelligence and Coordination Unit. Throughout this operation, they utilized various means and carried out extensive investigative activities.
Eventually, the team located an apartment in Kiryat Yam where the sisters were held. The unit arrived at the apartment at 2:30 AM, extracted the girls, and took the mother, the suspected individual, into custody. The girls' father was summoned by the police and reunited with his daughters.
Brigadier General Biton praised the team and all the police officers who participated in the rescue efforts, explaining that it was a complex investigation that involved teams and capabilities from various branches of the police. The collaboration yielded results in record time.