Shin Bet

Shin Bet, Terrorist Releases, Imprisonment
Shin Bet: More terrorists will be released due to the plight in imprisonment.

The Shin Bet warned that there is likely to be another wave of terrorists released.

Avi Nachmani | 02.07.24

Administrative Detention, Judicial Overhaul, Politics

Israel's Judicial Overhaul 2.0 - What you need to know

Right-wing bills challenge detention powers and judicial oversight, fueling fears of democratic erosion.

Gila Isaacson | 01.07.24

Internal threats, espionage

Shocking: Beit Shemesh man arrested for spying for Iran

This morning, A religious Jew living in Ramat Beit Shemesh has been detained for espionage under suspicion he was allegedly spying for Iran. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Shin Bet, Hackers, Israel-Gaza War

Shin Bet Investigates Major Leak of Classified Information to Hackers

The investigation centers on leaked intelligence, revealing severe security breaches and damage to Israeli operations.

Gila Isaacson | 18.06.24

Israel-Gaza City

Watch: IDF eliminates commander of Hamas' naval unit in Gaza City

Hamas naval commander Ahmad Ali had directed attacks into Israel and against IDF forces in the Strip, including against the Netzarim corridor.

Avi Woolf | 08.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Judea and Samaria

IDF and Shin Bet stop major Iranian weapons smuggling operation into Judea and Samaria

The smuggling operation was run by senior officers in Iran's IRGC and Quds Force, and was thwarted by the IDF and Shin Bet.

Avi Woolf | 25.03.24

ISIS, Shin Bet

Israel detains ISIS squad that had 100 explosive devices at the ready

Israel's Internal Security Service arrested a terrorist squad from the Hebron area after its members planned to carry out attacks inspired by ISIS.

gila isaacson, JFeed Staff | 04.03.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostages

Cabinet approves delegation to negotiate hostage deal in Paris

The delegation, leaving tomorrow, will be lead by Mossad director Dedi Barnea, Shin Bet director Ronen Bar, and Maj.-Gen. Nitzan Alon

JFeed Staff | 22.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostages, Argentina

Argentinian President Milei Congratulates IDF on Successful Hostage Rescue

The Argentinian President's office officially gave its thanks to Israel for rescuing the hostages, who were also of Argentinian nationality, and reiterated its opposition to Hamas terrorism.

Avi Woolf | 12.02.24

Israel At War

Report: ISIS-Linked Terrorists Planned Attack in Jerusalem

For the second time within a month, security forces arrested 2 Arab residents of East Jerusalem on suspicion of planning attacks. In a search conducted in their homes, materials for preparing explosives and detonation devices were found. Indictments will be filed against both individuals.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 22.01.24

Israel At War, Tulkarm Camp

35 Hours of Combat in the Tulkarm Refugee Camp | Watch:

IDF forces conducted a counter-terrorism operation lasting over 35 hours in the Tulkarm refugee camp. So far, at least eight terrorists have been eliminated, 15 suspects apprehended, and dozens of explosive devices destroyed. Watch:

JFeed Staff | 18.01.24

Nova Victims Suing

Nova Victims Demanding 200 Million NIS from the State

The victims of the Nova party today filed a lawsuit against the state for NIS 200 million. The prosecutors claim that the massacre could have been prevented if only the warnings against the location of the party had been heeded in advance.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 01.01.24

Iranian Attempts Thwarted 

The Shin Bet Thwarted an Iranian Attempt to Recruit Israelis for Terrorism

It was released for publication that the Shin Bet exposed and thwarted attempts by Iranian security officials to recruit Israeli citizens through the network for the benefit of terrorist activity. The attempts were made on social networks and seemed innocent - but in practice they could be used as security missions.

JFeed Staff | 21.12.23

Israel At War

Terrorist Cell Responsible for a Shooting Following the Massacre in the South was Captured

The shooting attack at the Qalandiya crossing, which was carried out a day after the start of the war, was solved after the four terrorists were arrested for questioning at the Jerusalem District Court and the Shin Bet and indictments were filed against them by the prosecutor's office.

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: Hamas Terrorists Eliminated in Terror Tunnels

The IDF and the Shin Bet released footage showing IDF soldiers eliminating terrorists in one of Hamas' major tunnel systems. Watch:

JFeed Staff | 14.12.23

Israel-Gaza War, Hamas Captives

IDF Spokesperson in Arabic Touts Terrorist Prisoners as "Souvenir" in Honor of Hamas Founding Anniversary

IDF Spokesperson in Arabic Avichay Adraee used the image of terrorists surrendering at the Kamal Adwan Hospital to taunt Hamas, saying the image is a "souvenir" for Hamas' founding anniversary.

JFeed Staff | 14.12.23

"Sinwar is Crazy"

Former Minister in Hamas Government who was Arrested Says in the Interrogation: "Sinwar is Crazy"

Revealed in the Shin Bet investigation: Yousef Almansi, the former Minister of Communications in the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, attacks Yahya Sinwar: "This is a group of crazy people that Sinwar leads. They destroyed the Gaza Strip. Set it back 200 years."

JFeed Staff | 10.12.23

Israel -Gaza War

The Shin Bet Senior Reveals: The Reason Sinwar Never Married

A former senior member of the Shin Bet, and the man who interrogated Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, Micha Kobi, finds it difficult to accept the report that he met hostages in Gaza, and reveals more details about Israel's great enemy.

JFeed | 29.11.23

October 7th Massacre

Minute by Minute: From the Kidnapping to Bringing the Kidnapped to Shifa Hospital

They were seen on the kibbutz's security cameras, foreign citizens were kidnapped, they arrived with them at Shifa Hospital and were recorded on the hospital's cameras. The Shin Bet's investigation of Hamas terrorists describes how this happened on the ground.

JFeed | 27.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Hamas

Over 100 Terrorists Captured for Interrogation

Over 100 terrorists were captured for interrogation, three of whom participated in the Simchat Torah Massacre. They revealed information on Hamas' organizational methods, tunnels, and weapons and warehouses.

JFeed | 19.11.23