Swords of Iron

Compensation Plan
The Government Approved a Compensation Plan. Who is Entitled and in what Amount?

A month after the start of the Swords of Iron war, the Israeli government approved a compensation plan for businesses whose operations were affected as a result of the war. Who is eligible? What is the amount? And how do you apply?

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 02.11.23

"Come back"

"Come back": Idan Raichel's Project and Roni Dalumi in a Moving Song

The singer Idan Raichel, together with his project, and the singer Roni Dalumi, are releasing a heartfelt song in the shadow of the war, dedicated to the captives and the fallen.

Rinat Kramer Jablinowitz, JFeed Staff | 31.10.23

Pink Stands with Israel

The American Singer Stands with Israel: "The Abductees Should be Returned Home"

The Jewish singer Pink shared a post on her Instagram page, calling for the return of the abductees and addressing the global anti-Israel demonstrations, saying, "All these demonstrations are making the situation worse, not better."

Rinat Kramer Jablinowitz, JFeed Staff | 29.10.23

MK Michal Waldiger Resigns

Due to the Situation: MK Michal Waldiger Resigns from her Position

MK Michal Waldiger announced the end of her role as Deputy Minister of Finance in order to focus on maximizing efforts for the rehabilitation of the healthcare and mental health systems and directing budgetary resources towards the victory in the war.

| JFeed | 26.10.23

2,000 Journalists

From All Over the World | This is the Number of Journalists who Arrived in Israel

Since the "Swords of Iron" war began, the Government Press Office has accepted a record number of over 2,000 journalists. Double the number of journalists who arrived in Israel during Operation Protective Edge and the highest of all Israeli wars.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 25.10.23

Local Authority Elections

Final Confirmation: This is the Date of the Local Authority Elections

Final approval: Local authority elections will be postponed for three months. There is a possibility that they may be postponed for an additional month, depending on the circumstances.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 23.10.23

A Hamas Terrorist Reveals

A Hamas Terrorist Revealed where Haniya and Mashal are. Watch

A Hamas terrorist revealed during his interrogation the mission assigned to him and disclosed the whereabouts of the organization's leaders, Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Mashal, stating, "They are there while our families are being bombed in Gaza."

JFeed | 22.10.23


Last Night in Gaza: Hundreds of Terrorist Infrastructures were Destroyed, Senior Officials were Eliminated

In a joint operation of the IDF and the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), hundreds of terrorist infrastructure assets were destroyed, including dozens in the neighborhood of Sajaya. Dozens of firing positions were targeted, and over ten terrorists were eliminated.

JFeed | 19.10.23


The MK didn't have Time to Reach the Bomb Shelter and Lay on the Ground. Watch

MK Michal Waldiger understood that she wouldn't make it to the protected area, so she lay down on the ground and protected her head with her hands. Watch the documentation.

JFeed | 18.10.23

"It's From Us"

"It's From Us": The IDF Reveals the Conversation in which Hamas Admitted to the Failed Launch to the Hospital

The IDF is releasing the evidence, photographs, and transcripts among the terrorists confirming that the rocket launch on the hospital in Gaza was an unsuccessful launch by the Islamic Jihad. The IDF spokesperson explained the delay in its response in light of the Hamas lies.

JFeed | 18.10.23

Hamas Commander Eliminated

IDF: We Eliminated the Commander of the Anti-Tank System of Gaza City

The attacks continue: The IDF eliminated Mohammad Alwadia, the commander of the anti-tank system of the Gaza City, and another operative in the naval command of Hamas. Additionally, dozens of military targets of the terrorist organization in the Strip were attacked.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 18.10.23

Wedding at the Army Base

The Bride Came to the Base to get Married. Watch

The groom, an officer who replaced another officer who fell in battle, thus canceled their wedding that took place in a base near the front lines. He decided, together with his wife, to add love in order to stop the hatred.

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu | 17.10.23

Macron will Come to Israel

Another Leader is on His Way Here: Macron Announced that he will Come to Israel

After Biden and Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he will come to Israel, but he did not specify when he is expected to arrive. Macron spoke with the President of Iran and warned him against entering the conflict. He also clarified that France's current goal is to release the French-Israeli citizens in Gaza.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 17.10.23

Deficiencies Completed

The Deficiencies were Completed: Thousands of Ceramic Shielding Plates Landed in Israel

An Air Force plane landed this morning (Tuesday) and brought to Israel a shipment of thousands of ceramic shielding plates, this after donations of vests and shielding plates were found to be defective and life-endangering.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 17.10.23

The IDF Attacks

Watch: The IDF Attacks Terrorist Targets Throughout the Gaza Strip

Combat aircraft continue to operate in the Gaza Strip at this moment, targeting operational command centers and military infrastructure where members of the Hamas terrorist organization are hiding.

JFeed | 17.10.23

Morale Boost 

Yishai Ribo, Hanan ben Ari, Dudu Tasa and More for the Soldiers of the IDF | Watch

Israeli singers and songwriters from all corners of the Israeli spectrum have recently visited IDF bases to boost morale. With simple microphones and guitars, the artists and soldiers sang, "Am Yisrael Chai" ("the people of Israel live"), in the first gathering of its kind from the field.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 17.10.23

"A Despicable Method"

IDF Spokesman: "A Despicable Method that ISIS also Uses"

In an interview with the media, the IDF spokesperson addressed threats to Israel from Lebanon, U.S. assistance to Israel, and the release of videos of captives by Hamas, stating, "We are doing everything possible to bring them home."

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 17.10.23


The IDF and the Shin Bet Eliminated the Head of the Shura Council of Hamas

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson announced this morning (Tuesday) that the head of the Hamas Shura Council in Gaza was killed, and the IDF targeted 200 terrorist infrastructures in the strip, including through the naval forces. In the northern sector, the Air Force attacked military targets of Hezbollah.

JFeed | 17.10.23


Documentation: For the First Time, the IDF Targeted Gaza with HaSa'ar 6 Ships

The Israeli Navy made operational use of the advanced missile ships, HaSa'ar 6 ('Storm 6'), for the first time. In the operation, the ships targeted a series of objectives in the Gaza Strip.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 16.10.23

Instructions of the Military Rabbinate

"Do Whatever is Necessary": The Instructions of the Military Rabbinate for Shabbat

According to the guidelines, activities required for preparing for combat are allowed as during weekdays, and engaging in the identification of bodies and notifying families is also permitted as usual.

JFeed | 16.10.23