American Jewish singer Alicia Beth Moore, known as Pink, addressed the conflict in Israel on her Instagram page and called for the return of the kidnapped individuals. In her post, which consists of ten paragraphs discussing the war, she criticized the actions of Hamas and also mentioned the war unfolding on social media networks.
"The hostages should return home," Pink began the post and went on to explain that "Hamas is a terrorist organization that seeks to destroy Jews. They also murder and abuse women, the LGBT community, and political opponents." The singer also added that "the Palestinians need a solution that respects their aspirations and their humanity . Palestinians and Israelis cannot live in peace under the threat of Hamas. Protecting the lives of innocent civilians must remain the top priority, and no one should celebrate the murder of women and children. Tearing up pictures of kidnapped children is inhumane."
The singer referred to the social networks that are full of hate and wrote: "Nuances and complexities do not receive attention in social media. The fact that something has gone viral does not make it true. The responsibility of the traditional media to report the facts without bias has never been more critical.
"Prejudice and acts of hatred towards any group are unacceptable" the singer also referred to the anti-Semitic demonstrations around the world "all the violent or hateful demonstrations that are now taking place around the world are making the situation worse, not better".