Ahmad Tibi

Terrorism, Ahmad Tibi
Arab MK accuses Israel of terrorist attack in Moscow

Following the terrorist attack in Moscow in which 143 were killed on Friday, MK Ahmad Tibi accused Israel of the crime and even liked a post that claimed Israeli intelligence was manipulating ISIS.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 23.03.24

Massacre Documentary Screening

After Denying the Massacre: MK Yassin will Watch the Massacre Documentary

Many Knesset members who did not participate in the screening of the horror film prepared by the IDF spokesperson for the Knesset members turned to the Knesset Speaker Ohana with a request to allow a repeat screening, among the requesters is Knesset member Khatib-Yassin, who denied the massacre.

JFeed | 08.11.23

Tibi Deleted Ido Avigal's photo

After the attack: Tibi deleted the photo of the murdered child

After being confronted by Ido Avigal's mother, Ahmad Tibi deleted Ido's photo from his post about Palestinian children who were seemingly killed by IDF fire

JFeed | 19.09.23

A Fake Statement Published

Tibi published a fake about the murdered child, the bereaved mother criticized

The Arab incitement: Ahmad Tibi published a photo of Arab children who were apparently killed by IDF fire, but within the photo, there was also a picture of the late Ido Avigal, who was killed in a Hamas rocket attack on Sderot. In response, the bereaved mother criticized him

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 19.09.23

Yoseph Haddad

Yoseph Haddad: "The Arab leadership has no intention of addressing crime in the sector"

Yoseph Haddad, an Israeli Arab who has become one of the symbols of Israeli advocacy, points an accusing finger at the Arab leadership for the state of the sector in an interview and also, answers the question of whether we will see him as a member of the Knesset

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 07.09.23

Tibi's Request Refused

Ben Gvir refused Tibi's request to meet with detainees from Burqa

Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, rejected the request of MK Ahmad Tibi to visit the Palestinian detainees from the clashes in Burqa village. This was despite coalition MKs visiting the Jewish detainees. Tibi criticized, "Two types of Knesset members have been created"

JFeed | 09.08.23