While Arab society is bleeding, the advocacy activist Yosef Haddad, who usually travels between the television studios and the streets of Europe in his quest for its just war in the international arena, does not remain indifferent to what is happening in his own home in the Arab sector.
In an interview, he laments the rampant violence in Arab society and points an accusing finger at the leadership of the sector. According to him: Their goal is to keep society weakened in order to control it." At the end of the conversation, he reveals whether we will see him in the coming years roaming the Knesset corridors as a full-fledged MK.
"The Arab leadership is not interested in strengthening the sector"
There are many complaints about the police's incompetence against the violence in Arab society, in the Jewish sector the violence has stopped, could the problem lie in the culture of the sector, for example, the murder 'for honor' of the family?
"It is not only the responsibility of the state and the Arab leadership but to come together within Arab culture, especially in Israeli Arab society, you can find many shades. And the extreme shade is the minority. Even if the minority is only ten percent of the total threshold of Israeli Arab society, we are talking about Almost 200,000 people. To come and generalize the entire culture of Arab society is to throw away the responsibility to roll it over and that's the end of it."
According to him: "There are many beautiful and good things in Arab culture, the majority of Arab society is not part of the crime families and the crime from the violence in our society and Israel as a whole. It is true, among the extremists that is between 5 and 10 percent and that is a significant number out of two million, Indeed there is an impact in terms of culture as well And the criminal organizations also control those Israelis. This is one side of Israeli society. Another thing from the same side, our leaders have no intention of dealing with crime, they are not interested in it, on the contrary, they want and glorify crime because it leaves Arab society weakened because this is how they control".
He also added: "In terms of the state's responsibility, there is no doubt that the citizens of Israel need to be treated and given the best care. In the absence of deterrence and punishment, there is no chance. In Nazareth and Sakhnin, there is no deterrence, they put a bar on the policemen. We need to establish a dedicated unit whose purpose is to fight crime in Arab society, which will be mostly complex From Israeli Arab police officers who understand the population."
Members of the Knesset from the Arab parties oppose civil service, so why should the Arab residents volunteer for the police?
"National service is the key to Arab-Israeli society, it's the way to get the bored young people off the streets, from the crime families, and put them in an important framework that will contribute to the country. After all, the service is MDA, police, special education, and hospitals. They can enter a framework that will give the ticket to the Israeli company, which will focus them and take them off the street. The Arab leadership is not interested in strengthening the Arab society, they want the young people in the streets."
But the majority of Arab society voted for them?
"They went out to vote because unfortunately at the moment there is no other alternative, Until now there has not been a real alternative within the Arab society nor within the Jewish parties that appeal to the Arab voice. I agree that it is necessary to bring an alternative and another party that will strengthen the Arab society and bridge the gaps between the Jews and the Arabs so that it is a part Integral to the entire Israeli society. Ahmad Tibi and Aida Touma-Suleiman and Sami Abu Shehadeh. Their goal is to keep society weakened because that's how they control it. There are Arab citizens who did not vote and some voted for Jewish parties even though they were not approached in the right way. There are between 5 and 6 mandates that say 'We are tired of the Arab lists'."