Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff

Israel At War, The Northern Border
IDF Forces Eliminate 4 Infiltrators Crossing the Border from Lebanon

IDF Spokesperson's Update: Earlier tonight, an IDF patrol in the Mount Dov region encountered a group of infiltrators crossing from Lebanon into Israeli territory. The force engaged in direct contact, resulting in the elimination of four infiltrators.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 14.01.24

Israel at War, Lebanon

Minutes Before the Terrorist's Funeral: Another Elimination in Southern Lebanon

Minutes Before the Funeral of Hezbollah's Radwan Force Commander, Wissam al-Tawil, in the village of Khirbet Selm, another vehicle was attacked very close to his brother's house. Lebanese media confirm casualties in the attack.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 09.01.24

Israel At War

Hezbollah and Hamas Issue Retaliation Threats, Current Calm in the Region

On the day following the elimination of al-Arouri, both Hamas and Hezbollah issued retaliation threats. However, they haven't taken any action, either due to a lack of capability or a lack of willingness. Meanwhile, no change in the guidelines from the Home Front Command on the northern border and the rest of the country.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 03.01.24

Elimination of al-Arouri

4 Months Ago: When Netanyahu Threatened to Eliminate Saleh al-Arouri | Watch

"I also heard the arrogant words of senior Hamas official al-Arouri, from his hiding place in Lebanon. He knows very well why he and his friends are in hiding places," Netanyahu said four months ago. Watch

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 02.01.24

Israel-Gaza War, Judea and Samaria

Ramming Attack In Judea and Samaria; Terrorist Eliminated

A Palestinian tried to ram an IDF force near Kiryat Arba with his vehicle, and was eliminated. No Israeli casualties were suffered.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 20.12.23

Israel-Gaza War, Jabalia

The IDF Took Over Jabalia: "This is No Longer the City it Used to Be"

Division 162 took over the Jabalia area. About 500 terrorists, including those who participated in the terrible massacre on October 7 surrendered and handed themselves over to the IDF. The commander of the division: The fighting resulted in the dismantling of the operational capacity of the North Gaza Brigade.

| Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 19.12.23

Israel At War, Shooting Attack

Shooting Attack in  Binyamin: Israeli Injured near the Settlement of  Ateret

Shooting attack in Binyamin. A terrorist opened fire at an Israeli vehicle at the Rawavi intersection. The vehicle continued to be treated at the entrance to Ateret. An Israeli was moderately injured. The terrorist fled to Bir Zeit.

| Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 18.12.23

Another Arrest Warrant

Gallant Signed Another Administrative Arrest Warrant Against a Settler

Just before the court released a detainee due to lack of evidence, Defense Minister Gallant signed an administrative arrest warrant for four months. This is a farmer from Binyamin, married and the father of children. Defense attorney: "Administrative detention for extraneous reasons."

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 06.12.23

220th Murder

The 220th Murder in the Arab Sector: a 22-Year-Old was Shot Dead in Rahat

A 22-year-old man was murdered this morning in neighborhood 18 in Rahat. This is the 220th murdered in the Arab sector since the beginning of 2023. The police say that the background to the murder is a criminal conflict between families.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 29.11.23

Writing A Sefer Torah In Gaza

Victory Photo: Fighters Writing a Sefer Torah in Gaza City

In a special operation, Rabbi Yehuda Alon brought a parchment and a quill into Gaza City, went around among the forces scattered in the destroyed city buildings, and engaged the religious and non-religious fighters in writing a letter of the Sefer Torah.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 29.11.23

The Hostage Deal

Hamas Announced: Wants 4 More Days of Ceasefire

Hamas informed the Qataris that it is asking for another 4 days of ceasefire in exchange for the return of 40 hostages. Egypt and the US pressured Israel to end the fighting in exchange for a comprehensive hostage deal. The coalition opposes it.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 29.11.23

Israel - Gaza War

Ceasefire? Arab Reports of an Explosion in Northern Gaza

On the sixth day of the ceasefire, it again seems to be eroding. The Palestinians recorded an explosion in the northwest of the Gaza Strip and at the same time there was a report of two Arabs who were hit by IDF fire in the northeast of Gaza City.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 29.11.23

Israel - Gaza War

3 Explosive Charges were Activated on Soldiers: Hamas Violated the Ceasefire

Five days into the ceasefire, and this time it is a serious incident. 3 explosive devices were used against soldiers in the northern Gaza Strip in two different cases. Several fighters were slightly injured, Israel meanwhile contains the event.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 28.11.23

Documentation - Shaldag Unit Raiding Shifa Hospital

Documentation: This is How the Shaldag Unit Raided Shifa Hospital

Two weeks after the raid on Shifa Hospital, the IDF today publishes documentation from the fighters' helmet cameras. Many weapons, computers, including intelligence information and personal equipment of the abductees, were found inside the hospital.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 27.11.23

Israel At War - The Northern Border

The Ceasefire: the IDF does Not Prevent Hezbollah from Rehabilitating Outposts near the Border

Under the auspices of the cease-fire, Hezbollah is rehabilitating the outposts that were hit by IDF fire. Fighters say: "Until Friday, we did not see a Hezbollah terrorist within binocular range. Now they are openly driving in front of us and are not stopping."

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 27.11.23

The Crisis Is Over

The Crisis is Over: 13 More Hostages Will be Released Tonight

After a 5-hour delay, Qatar announced that Hamas would release the second batch of captives this evening: 13 Israelis and another 7 foreign workers. Fighter jets flew over the southern Gaza Strip to signal Hamas.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 25.11.23

Hezbollah, 20 Failed Launches

Embarrassment for Hezbollah: 20 Failed Launches in the Barrage

The IDF spokesman in Arabic mocks Hezbollah and distributes a map of the IDF's detection methods, from which it appears that out of a barrage of 48 rockets - 20 landed inside Lebanese territory and caused casualties and damage.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 23.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Stabbers, Stone and Molotov Cocktail Throwers Among Those to be Released in Deal

The government has published the list of prisoners to be released in the hostage deal, which includes 33 who physically attacked but did not kill Israelis.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 22.11.23

Rocket Hit, Heavy Destruction

Watch: Heavy Destruction from a Rocket Hit at the Biranit Base in the North

Hezbollah fired a Burkan rocket this morning at the Biranit base on the northern border. The rocket that contains hundreds of kilograms of explosives caused a lot of destruction in the light structures of the base. Watch.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 20.11.23

Floor After Floor

Shaldag Forces are Scanning Floor After Floor in Shifa Hospital

IDF special forces are slowly and patiently scanning the Shifa Hospital building in Gaza. So far, in addition to the means of warfare, technological means have been located, including computers on which information and documentation related to the abductees was found.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 16.11.23