Lebanon, Hezbollah

Hezbollah deputy leader: No war in near future

Meanwhile the leader of the Christian Lebanese Forces party said that while he has much criticism for Hezbollah, he will be on Lebanon's side in the event of an all out war.

Israel and Hezbollah. (Photo: OnePixelStudio/Shutterstock)

Hezbollah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem recently stated that there will be no general war with Israel in the near future, according to Naharnet.

“The possibilities of expanding the war are absent in the near future,” Qassem said in an interview with Russia’s Sputnik radio station, "But Hezbollah is prepared for the worst scenarios and it does not build its military stance on political analyses but rather on information and the outcome of the battlefield."

Meanwhile, Naharnet also reported that Samir Geagea, leader of the Christian party Lebanese forces, said that although "Hezbollah is in Lebanon but its heart is with Iran," if a general war comes to Lebanon, "we will definitely be on Lebanon's side.”


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IDF, October 7

IDF to publish investigation into October 7 attack on Be'eri on Thursday

After nine months, the IDF will publicize its findings regarding the Hamas attack on Be'eri, the first in a series of internal investigations regarding the events of the massacre.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 14:04

Hostage release, Gaza ceasefire, Hamas-Israel deal

"It is forbidden to return abductees in exchange of ending the war"

The ministers and MKs in the current coalition firmly say that they are opposed to a deal with Hamas that would lead to a cessation of hostilities.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 13:56

IDF, draft law, military service

Gideon Sa'ar shows support for extension of military service

MK Gideon Sa'ar clarified that his faction will support the law to extend regular military service: "We will not politicize this issue; we are opposition to the government, not the state."

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 13:12

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF raids Hamas command post in school and clinic

The IDF eliminated Hamas terrorists and seized multiple weapons caches in a school and clinic located in Shejaiya.

Avi Woolf | 11:38

Israel-Gaza War

IDF issues new evacuation instructions for Palestinians in Gaza City

The IDF Spokesperson in Arabic issued new evacuation instructions for Gazans in the southern part of Gaza City, as operations continue against regrouping Hamas terrorists.

Avi Woolf | 10:53

Drone Attacks, Hezbollah, Hamas, IDF

Surprising solution to Israel's drone crisis revealed

The UK has our answer to Hezbollah's drone attacks.

Gila Isaacson | 10:47

IDF, Hezbollah

Watch: IDF eliminates Hezbollah rocket terrorist

The IDF confirmed that it has eliminated Mustafa Hassan Salman, a terrorist operative in Hezbollah's rocket and missile unit.

Avi Woolf | 10:32

IDF, Haredim, Israel War, Politics

IDF confirms: Mass Haredi draft "Impractical" without selection process

Military grapples with court mandate as tensions rise over Ultra-Orthodox conscription.

Gila Isaacson | 10:12

IDF, Haredim

Haredim might be more willing to join the IDF - on this condition

A new poll shows that while 72% of Charedim oppose being drafted into the IDF, 59% believe it might be more palatable - if the IDF makes these adjustments.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 09:54

Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, Sinwar, Netanyahu, Ceasefire

Why Hamas suddenly wants a ceasefire

Internal pressure mounts on Hamas as it signals new openness to ceasefire.

Gila Isaacson | 09:49

Israel-Gaza War

IDF eliminates dozens of Hamas terrorists in Rafah and Shejaiya

The IDF also destroyed rocket launchers ready to fire into Israeli territory, seized weapons, and destroyed tunnel shafts.

Avi Woolf | 09:47

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

Smotrich: This is the time to break Hamas' neck

Responding to reports about the continuing negotiations for a hostage deal, Smotrich said that Hamas is "collapsing" and that stopping the war now would be a serious mistake.

Avi Woolf | 09:37