
Ground Activity in Gaza Continues
A Fighter Jet Attacked a Gathering Area of ​​Terrorists - 20 were Killed. Watch.

The ground activity in Gaza continued last night as dozens of terrorists were killed from the air and in face-to-face combat. In the past day, 600 targets of the Hamas terrorist organization were attacked.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 30.10.23

More Hamas Terrorism

In the Middle of the Massacre: This is How the Terrorists Prevented Medical Treatment for the Wounded

| Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 26.10.23

Fury in Samaria

Fury in Samaria: The IDF Approved the Funeral Procession of Terrorists to Travel on the Roads of Samaria

JFeed | 12.10.23

East Jerusalem: A Molotov Cocktail was Thrown 

East Jerusalem: A terrorist is neutralized after throwing a Molotov cocktail

JFeed | 09.10.23

Suspects in Kedumim

Kedumim: fear of a security incident, on-site scans

JFeed | 09.10.23

Exchange of Fire in Zikim

Report: Heavy exchange of fire with terrorists in Kibbutz Zikim

JFeed | 09.10.23

Border Police Rescued Civilians 

Watch: Border Police fighters eliminated terrorists and rescued civilians

JFeed | 08.10.23

"An Attack Was Avoided"

8 terrorists were arrested: "An attack was avoided in the immediate time frame"

JFeed | 24.09.23


Another day of battle at the Gaza border: a terrorist opened fire and was killed

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 21.09.23

Gaza Strip

6 terrorists killed by the explosive device at the border of the Gaza Strip

JFeed | 14.09.23

The IDF Operated Overnight

The IDF destroyed explosive devices in the refugee camp. Watch the documentation

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 05.09.23

Soldier Injured by Shrapnel

A terrorist threw a bomb at fighters; A soldier was slightly injured. Watch

JFeed | 29.08.23

Gaza: 2 Terrorists Killed

Gaza: 2 terrorists from the military wing of Hamas were killed

JFeed | 24.08.23

The Terrorists Surrendered

The terrorists came out with their hands up and immediately admitted to the attack

Arye Yoeli, Srugim News | 22.08.23

The IDF Operated in Jenin

A terrorist was eliminated this morning in Jenin, dozens of explosive devices were destroyed

JFeed | 17.08.23

8 Wanted Persons Arrested

The security forces arrested 8 wanted persons in Judea and Samaria

JFeed | 15.08.23

Two Terrorists Killed

Two Palestinian terrorists were killed during an operation in Jericho

JFeed | 15.08.23

Discussion Regarding the Terrorist's Driver

Yael Shevach regarding the terrorist: "It is fitting that he should not remain among the living"

JFeed | 09.08.23
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