Yesh Atid

Israel At War, Netanyahu, Gantz
Opposition Initiates a Knesset Discussion Against Netanyahu, Gantz Joins Petition

On the Knesset table, a request from opposition factions for a special "40-signature" debate was placed, requiring the presence of the Prime Minister, and members of the ruling coalition also joined the letter.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 24.01.24

Elections Postponed

Majority Reached: Elections for Local Authorities will be Postponed

The Yesh Atid party announced that the party will support the postponement of the local authority elections to February 27 - thus ensuring the required majority in the Interior Committee to approve the government's request.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 31.12.23

Israel-Gaza War, Politics, Knesset

Yesh Atid MK: "Something good is happening in the Knesset these days"

The MK tweeted that "many MKs are looking for what we share in common." The post was supported across the political spectrum.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 07.11.23

"Stop Repeating Mistakes"

MK from Yesh Atid: "The Time has Come for Us to Stop Repeating Mistakes"

MK Idan Roll called for an end to the transfer of funds to the Palestinian Authority: "Those who initiate terrorist attacks will do it even if boxes of money are poured over them." The solution: increasing the scope of importing foreign workers.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 02.11.23

Karine Elharrar Clarified

The primaries in Yesh Atid: Lapid's close associate surprises

Yesh Atid primaries: Knesset member Karine Elharrar clarified this morning that her support for Lapid is not automatic: "Let's allow Ram Ben-Barak to present his platform first"

JFeed | 03.10.23

Ben Barak 'stings' Lapid

After announcing that he will run against him, Ben-Barak 'stings' Lapid

Knesset member Ram Ben-Barak hinted at his security record compared to that of Yair Lapid. "People will say, 'If Ram Ben-Barak stands there with his record - we're joining Yesh Atid'"

JFeed | 03.10.23

Running against Lapid

First MK to announce: Running against Lapid for party leadership

Member of Knesset Ram Ben Barak announced his intention to run for the leadership of the "Yesh Atid" party against Yair Lapid, stating, "I congratulate the party leader, MK Yair Lapid, on his decision"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 02.10.23

Yesh Atid Primaries

The Yesh Atid party has announced primaries. Who can compete?

A decade after its founding: The Yesh Atid party has announced that it will hold primaries for the party leadership in December 2023. This marks the second conference since January 2022 in which no vote took place, as Yair Lapid was the only candidate to submit candidacy

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 02.10.23

Party Leadership Elections

Who will compete? After a decade: Lapid will be removed from the leadership of Yesh Atid?

Opposition leader Yair Lapid this morning commented on his situation in the polls and revealed that there will be elections for the leadership of the party: "There will be no primaries for members of the Knesset, look what is happening in Likud party"

JFeed | 28.09.23

Rabbi Yigal Levinstein

After the attack: Yesh Atid's message page against Rabbi Yigal Levinstein

After refusing to condemn the violence against the rabbi in Tel Aviv, spokespeople for the Yesh Atid party distributed a talking points "messages sheet" against Rabbi Yigal Levinstein, which includes his alleged statements against women and the LGBT community

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

"Netanyahu Should Restrain his Ministers"

Yair Lapid: "Netanyahu should knock on the table and restrain his irresponsible ministers"

Opposition leader Yair Lapid calls on Prime Minister Netanyahu to rein in his ministers and states, "We are dangerously approaching a violent clash; security policy cannot be conducted with political slogans"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Yesh Atid's Weak Response

Yesh Atid's weak response: "against every case of violence"

In the Yesh Atid party, they refuse to condemn the violence directed against Rabbi Yigal Levinstein and the incident that took place at the "Rosh Yehudi" in Tel Aviv. They state, "We condemn all cases of violence, regardless of whether it involves a rabbi"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.09.23

Yes Atid Answers the Likud

Yes Atid answers the Likud: "The people are the sovereign, not the government"

After the Likud issued a statement against the Supreme Court judges, Yesh Atid retorted: "The people are the authority, not the government." The opposition party added and emphasized: "Another proof that the ruling party has lost its commitment to democratic values"

JFeed | 12.09.23

Yesh Atid Respond to Levin

"The citizens are hurt, but Levin is interested in one thing"

In Yesh Atid, they respond to Justice Minister Yariv Levin's request for independent representation: "Levin's tricks are a fatal injury to the legal system and to Israeli citizens."

JFeed | 03.09.23

Lieberman Supports

Taking a side: Lieberman announces support for the Tel Aviv elections

The Yisrael Beitenu party has announced the joining of forces with Yesh Atid representative Orna Barbivai for the Tel Aviv Mayor's office. The parties will run together as a unified list for the city council. According to them: "We will promote liberal values ​​and religious freedom"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 31.08.23

Ben Gvir's Answer to Lapid

A political boycott of Lapid? This is Ben Gvir's answer

Itamar Ben-Gvir "advised" his party candidates in local authorities not to cooperate with the Yesh Atid Party representatives in the coalition. The decision comes a day after a similar announcement by Yair Lapid

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 28.08.23

Yesh Atid Against The Rabbinical Law

"This is not an embracing Judaism": Yesh Atid against The Rabbinical Law

Members of the Yesh Atid party are against the advancement of the Rabbinical Law, which is intended to pave the way for the appointment of city and municipal rabbis, with political control over the selection process. "A corrupt law, more jobs for cronies," they say

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 09.08.23

Yesh Atid Petitions Against the Legal Reform

Yesh Atid petitions against the Basic Law: "There was no proper procedure"

The "Yesh Atid" party is filed an appeal to the Supreme Court against the reduction of The Clause of Reasonability: "In the text of the law, not a single comment from the Members of Knesset was included. It seems that a deliberate intent prevented a thorough, comprehensive, and substantive work process"

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 02.08.23

Orna Barbivai Resigned from the Knesset

On the way to Tel Aviv: Orna Barbivai resigned from the Knesset

MK Orna Barbivai submitted her resignation to the Knesset Chairman, Amir Ohana, ahead of her bid for the Mayor of Tel Aviv. She stated, "I am committed to continuing to serve the public with the same dedication and determination that I have shown until today."

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 30.07.23