Yehuda Fox

West Bank, Settlements, Politics, IDF
Outgoing IDF West Bank Chief Yehuda Fox and West Bank settlement leaders trade barbs

Avi Bluth will assume command in Fox's place; he pledges a zero tolerance policy for violence of any kind.

Gila Isaacson | 09.07.24

Gallant's Assesssment

Gallant: "What the IDF is Doing in Gaza will Affect Other Places"

Defense Minister Gallant at the Central Command: "We must make every effort to support the continuation of the military operation in Gaza. When it becomes clear what the IDF did in Gaza, this will also affect Judea and Samaria."

| Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 11.12.23

Arab Olive Harvesting

The Residents Prevent the Arabs from Passing: "Used for Terrorism"

After the residents of Kibbutz Meirav warned that the Arab harvesting was being used for terrorism, and the commander of the Central Command ignored them and approved it despite the war - dozens of Kibbutz residents physically prevented the Arabs from passing through to harvest.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 26.11.23

Cellular Reception in Judea and Samaria

For the First Time: a Cellular Company that does not Provide Reception in Judea and Samaria will be Fined

Following several security incidents that took place on Judea and Samaria roads and those attacked found themselves without reception and the ability to call for help - fines will be imposed on cellular companies that do not provide reception on Judea and Samaria roads.

| Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 21.11.23

Support of the IDF Command

Heads of Judea and Samaria regional councils in support of the IDF Command: "We will continue to work together"

Heads of councils from Judea and Samaria arrived for a toast with Major General Yehuda Fox, the Central Command IDF Commander. Despite the numerous criticisms from the settler community, the council leaders expressed their support and said, "You have full backing from the settlement"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23

Tweeted By An Iranian Account

Shin Bet: The photo of Fox in a Nazi uniform was tweeted by an Iranian account

After the wave of condemnations against the right, the Shin Bet updates that according to their tests, whoever is behind the photoshop that portrayed the Central Command commander as a Nazi with a "Hitler mustache"

JFeed | 11.09.23