The Hague

France, Hague Tribunal
No shame: France supports ICC's arrest warrants for Israeli leaders

France supports the demand of the chief prosecutor in the Hague and claims that "for months we have warned of strict compliance with international laws mainly because of the unacceptable number of casualties in the Gaza Strip."

JFeed Staff | 21.05.24

Israel - Gaza War, Netanyahu

Netanyahu: "Continuing the Fighting, The Hague Will Not Stop Us"

Prime Minister Netanyahu Addresses the Lawsuit Against Israel at the International Court, Calls the False Accusations in The Hague a Moral Low Point in the History of Nations.

JFeed Staff | 13.01.24

Israel - Gaza War, The Hague 

Before Hearings Begin: The Families of the Abductees Protested in The Hague | Watch:

Just before the hearing in The Hague on South Africa's lawsuit against Israel, the families of the abductees demonstrated in the streets of the city with Israeli flags and signs calling for the return of the abductees home from the Gaza Strip.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 11.01.24

Israel At War, Hague

Watch the Debate: South Africa vs. Israel at the Hague Tribunal

The Hague Court of Justice holds the first hearing on South Africa's claims against Israel for committing "Genocide" in the Gaza Strip.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 11.01.24

Netanyahu on Choosing Aharon Barak

Netanyahu Responds to the Criticism: This is Why I Chose Aharon Barak

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this evening addressed the allegations directed against him opposing the appointment of former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak as a judge on behalf of the State of Israel at the hearing in The Hague, saying: "He is a Holocaust survivor."

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 08.01.24

Israel-Gaza War, South Africa, Hague

Israel Considers Adding Its Own Judge to the Hague in Fight Against South Africa's "Genocide" Charge

Following a series of marathon meetings among senior officials, Israel is forming a strategy to deal with South Africa's genocide charges in the Hague, including using its right to appoint its own judge to the 15-judge panel.

Avi Woolf | 02.01.24

Cyber Attack

Not only in Israel: a cyber attack on the International Court of Justice in The Hague

The International Court revealed that its computer system was hacked after they detected unusual activity on the computer network. A spokesman for the tribunal declined to comment on how severe the hack was

JFeed | 19.09.23