Since the announcement that the former president of the Supreme Court, Aharon Barak, was appointed as a judge on behalf of the State of Israel at the hearing in The Hague, many on the right condemned the decision and called on Netanyahu to withdraw it.
Prime Minister Netanyahu explained the reason for the appointment this evening (Monday) and said at the Likud faction meeting: "Despite the many differences of opinion in interior affairs, in international affairs, Barak worked a lot for the State of Israel and he is also a Holocaust survivor, that's why we chose him to be the representative on behalf of the state in the debate."
In addition, Netanyahu claimed that Israel had previously examined the possibility of representation by an American judge.
Member of Knesset Tali Gottlieb, who strongly opposed the appointment when the news was published, wondered how this was not brought to the faction's approval and turned to Netanyahu: "Didn't they tell you that you don't have to comment? Didn't you prepare? We lost the war."