Mansour Abbas

Israel-Gaza War
Ra'am party: Israel committing war crimes in Gaza

Ra'am, the sole Arab party to serve in a governing coalition, issued a statement condemning a number of alleged actions by the IDF in the Gaza Strip as war crimes.

| Avi Woolf | 23.05.24

Ramadan, Temple Mount

Netanyahu: Freedom of worship will be maintained on Temple Mount during Ramadan, in numbers comparable to previous years

The Prime Minister and the government thus rejected National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir's efforts to restrict or bar Muslim entry to the Temple Mount altogether.

Avi Woolf | 05.03.24

Israel-Gaza War, Mansour Abbas

Mansour Abbas Clarifies Talk of Hamas Laying Down Arms - And Gets Hit From the Right

Having previously argued that Palestinian terrorist groups need to lay down their arms to allow the formation of a Palestinian state, Abbas clarified his statement after fierce criticism.

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 03.12.23

Meeting Between Abbas and the Families

For the First Time: Mansour Abbas Met with the Families of the Abductees

For the first time since the beginning of the war, the chairman of the Islamic Ra'am list Mansour Abbas came to a meeting with the headquarters of the families of the abducted and missing persons.

| Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 06.11.23

Ra'am: Resign Immediately

Ra'am Leader to the Faction's MK: Resign Immediately

Following her statements, in which she claimed that Hamas terrorists did not slaughter infants or rape women, the leader of the Ra'am party informed Knesset Member Iman Khatib-Yassin that she must resign from the Knesset immediately.

JFeed | 05.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Israeli Arabs

Mansour Abbas Calls for Complete Ceasefire and Release of Hostages

The Ra'am Party Chairman stressed the dangers of inciting material online and spoke of how the devastation in Gaza causes him pain.

JFeed | 30.10.23

"Against the Values ​​of Islam"

Mansour Abbas in an appeal to the terrorist organizations: "against the values ​​of Islam"

Mansour Abbas calls on terrorist organizations to return the elderly, children, and women they have abducted: "Islamic values command us not to imprison women, children, and the elderly"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 09.10.23

Mansour Abbas Strongly Criticizes

Mansour Abbas: "Ben-Gvir is in a completely different world"

Leader of the Ra'am party, Member of Knesset Mansour Abbas, strongly criticized the government's handling of the events following the incident in Basmat Tab'un. In an interview, he said, "We are warning and demanding that the Prime Minister take responsibility and remove the minister from his position"

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 27.09.23

Smotrich's Response to Arbel's Letter

Smotrich: "There are more important needs than Ra'am's political funds"

The Minister of Finance responds to the letter from the Minister of the Interior regarding the transfer of political funds to the Arab authorities: "This is political coalition money and has no professional justification"

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 07.08.23