Avigdor Lieberman

Lieberman: Humanitarian Aid must be Conditioned on Visiting the Abductees

Following reports of humanitarian aid convoys entering the Gaza Strip from Egypt today, Liberman wrote on his Twitter account that aid should be conditioned upon Red Cross personnel visiting the captives.

JFeed | 16.10.23


Expanding the Government: Ben Gvir to Bibi About Liberman

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 15.10.23

Lieberman: "Will Join the Government"

Lieberman: I will join the government without any conditions

JFeed | 08.10.23

"Iran is Responsible for the Terrorism"

Netanyahu: "Iran is directly responsible for the wave of terrorism in Judea and Samaria"

Bentzi Rubin, Liran Vainshtain, JFeed | 05.10.23

Approval for Saudi Nuclear?

Approval for Saudi nuclear? Lieberman in an unusual letter to the State Comptroller

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 19.09.23

"Once Again You Lie"

The opposition is upset with Netanyahu: "Once again you lie"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 18.09.23

"Netanyahu is Fooling Everyone"

Lieberman, in an interview: "Netanyahu as always is fooling everyone"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 11.09.23

Lieberman Supports

Taking a side: Lieberman announces support for the Tel Aviv elections

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 31.08.23

Response to the High Court's Decision

Petitioners' responses to the High Court: "A law tailored to Netanyahu's needs"

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 06.08.23

The Basic Law on Torah Study

Gadi Eizenkot on the new law proposal: "A disgraceful decision"

Benzi Rubin, Srugim News | 25.07.23