"Iran is Responsible for the Terrorism"

Netanyahu: "Iran is directly responsible for the wave of terrorism in Judea and Samaria"

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu sent get-well wishes to the soldiers injured in the incident in TulKarm and pointed an accusing finger at Iran. Leader of HaMachane HaMamlachti, Benny Gantz, stated, "We will pursue the terrorists everywhere"

Netanyahu, pointed an accusing finger at Iran (Photo: Haim Goldberg/Flash 90)

In the political arena, today (Thursday), there were reactions to the incident in which five IDF soldiers were injured, three of them seriously, during exchanges of fire last night in the TulKarm refugee camp.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent speedy recovery wishes to the injured soldiers and emphasized the ongoing battle on the military front. The IDF and security forces will continue to operate with determination and resolve to cleanse the nests of terrorists in Judea and Samaria," he said.

According to him: "We see Iran as directly responsible for the wave of terror in Judea and Samaria, encouraging and financing murderous actions against Israeli citizens. The Israeli government will fight terrorism with determination and protect Israeli citizens."

Finance Minister and Cabinet member Bezalel Smotrich said: "I wish a speedy recovery to the injured soldiers from the operation to combat terrorism in TulKarm. We strengthen all the commanders and soldiers of the IDF, and we will continue to strike at terrorism relentlessly and ensure the security of the State of Israel against our enemies."

"We will reckon with the damned terrorists"

In the opposition, there were also quick reactions to the incident. Chairman of the Machane HaMamlachti party, Benny Gantz, said: "I want to wish a speedy recovery to the IDF soldiers who were injured last night in a planned operation against terrorists in TulKarm. The operational offensive activity is important and critical in the face of the rise in terrorist incidents. The terrorists need to know that we will pursue them everywhere and at all times. This is what we have done, and this is what we will continue to do."

Gantz, we will pursue the terrorists everywhere (Photo: Haim Goldberg/Flash 90)

Chairman of Yisrael Beiteinu, MK Avigdor Lieberman, conveyed get-well wishes to the wounded and emphasized the importance of continuing the fight against terrorism: "I send speedy recovery wishes and complete healing to the IDF soldiers who were injured last night during operational activity in Tul Karem. I also strengthen the security forces and the IDF soldiers who work 24/7 to combat terrorism and hold the cursed terrorists accountable."

Earlier, the commanders of the Judea and Samaria Division, Brigadier General Avi Blot, and the commander of the Menashe Devision, Colonel Ayoob Kayouf, arrived at the scene in the village of Shufa. They conducted initial investigations together with the soldiers from the Golani reconnaissance unit. The commanders expressed great appreciation for the soldiers' actions.

The commander of the Judea and Samaria Division, Brigadier General Avi Blot, near TulKarm (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)


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