Hostage deal, Hamas refusal

International Source: Hamas Has Never Agreed to Any Deal

A senior international figure involved in the hostage negotiations has pointed the finger at Hamas and shared behind-the-scenes details: "The pressure should be on Hamas. I understand the argument that if the IDF stops the war, there will be a deal, but I say that if we do that, there will never be a deal."

Hostage posters (Photo: Jose HERNANDEZ/ Shutterstock)

Amit Segal reported this evening (Monday) on striking statements made by a senior international figure at the MEAD conference, who places the blame on Hamas.

The source said: "The responsibility is on Hamas. I have discussed this with Netanyahu several times, but the focus should be on Hamas. If they agree to release hostages according to the proposed plan, there will be an agreement. We have never been in a position where Hamas said 'yes' and we needed to convince Israel. We have never been in a position where Hamas said 'if you do this, there will be a deal.'"

The source further added: "There were times when perhaps Israel could have done a bit more, but the pressure is on Hamas and it should be. Hamas wants the pressure to be on Israel. Hamas needs to release the hostages. If Hamas gains power in Gaza, it won't work."

"I understand the argument that if we take weapons from Israel, there will be a deal, and I tell you that if we do that, there will never be a deal. Israel has included conditions that Hamas wanted; it's not as if Israel sat idly in response to Hamas's demands."

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