Haredi draft law, protests

"We will die and not enlist," religious extremism continues over Haredi draft law

Following the high courts rule to draft religious yeshiva students into the IDF, mass protests have broken out in Jerusalem as Haredim remain against serving.

Haredi anti-draft protest clashing with police (photo: Gili Yaari/Flash90)

This evening, thousands of Haredim demonstrate against mandatory military service in the ultra-Orthodox community, saying they will not join the opposing army.

In Jerusalem's Shabbat Square, numerous Haredim are demonstrating against the mandatory enlistment of ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students into the Israel Defence Forces.

During the anti-draft protest, a large group attacked Housing Minister Yitzchok Goldknopf while he was on his way home driving through Geula, throwing rocks, spitting, and surrounding his car, he was later rescued by police. A large plant was also thrown at police by the protestors as they shouted "we will not enlist to the enemies' army."

As per the report by the Walla news site, a portion of the protestors are part of the radical Jerusalem Faction, with approximately 60,000 individuals, who frequently protest against the drafting of yeshiva students.

Demonstrators hold up signs saying, "We refuse to join the opposing military," and "We choose death over enlisting."

Numerous ultra-Orthodox Jews feel that serving in the military goes against their lifestyle and worry that enlistees may become secularized.

The demonstration, one of several in the past few months, is a reaction to the High Court of Justice's significant decision last week instructing the military to start drafting ultra-Orthodox men and cut funding to yeshivas that do not adhere.

The ruling by the High Court indicates that following years of debate and conflict, Haredi men must now serve in the military alongside other Jewish Israelis.

IDF recruitment of Haredim High Court Draft Conscription Law Israel Police


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when will the Israeli government open there eyes and see that when every they start off with the true Tora Jews they have more and more problems with the Arabs
chaim 01.07.24

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