High Court

Haredi draft law, protests
"We will die and not enlist," religious extremism continues over Haredi draft law

Following the high courts rule to draft religious yeshiva students into the IDF, mass protests have broken out in Jerusalem as Haredim remain against serving.

| Eliana Fleming | 30.06.24

IDF, Charedim, Politics

Breaking: High Court Rules Against Ultra-Orthodox Military Exemptions in Israel

Court strikes down ultra-orthodox military exemptions, in a ruling which is sure to cause shockwaves in the ultra-orthodox community.

Gila Isaacson | 25.06.24

A Petition Against the Hostage deal

Before the Ceasefire: a Petition to the High Court Against the Hostage deal

In the "Choosing Life" forum, the bereaved families announced the filing of a petition to the High Court against the hostage deal: "Any terrorist who is released now will come back and harm in the future. In the Shalit deal, the murderers of the 7/10 massacre were released, and there is no reason why the release of the terrorists should be any different this time."

JFeed | 22.11.23

The High Court Hearing Ended

After 8 hours: the High Court hearing on the Incapacity Law ended

The debate in the Supreme Court on the Incapacity Law ended after about 8 hours, and now the parties are waiting for the verdict. During the discussion, the representative of the Attorney General initially argued that she does not have the authority to disqualify the prime minister, but later changed his position

JFeed | 28.09.23

The Incapacitation Law

The Legal Adviser to the Government: Postpone the "Incapacitation Law" to the next Knesset

Legal Adviser to the Government Gali Baharav-Miara responds to the High Court regarding the "Incapacitation Law" and says that its entry into force should be postponed: "A fundamental law cannot be used as a kind of private resource for personal problems"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 18.09.23

"A Red Line That Must Not be Crossed"

Likud responds to the High Court: "a red line that must not be crossed"

Likud issued a statement during the ongoing discussion in the Supreme Court (High Court of Justice), once again clarifying their strong stance before the judges. The Likud emphasized, "If the court annuls this fundamental law, it will undermine the foundation of democracy"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23

Roadblocks In Jerusalem 

Ahead of the demonstrations tonight: these are the roads that will be blocked in Jerusalem

The police announced that during the day they will block a series of roads throughout the city of Jerusalem, as a result of the left-wing demonstrations planned to take place throughout the day

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 11.09.23

Supreme Court Freezing The Dismissal

The Supreme Court froze Karhi and Amsalem's decision

The Supreme Court issued an interim order freezing the dismissal of the chairman of the post office, after Ministers Karhi and Amsalem announced the termination of the chairman's position on the grounds that he is not performing his duties properly, Another hearing will be held in the coming months

JFeed | 10.09.23

The High Court Threatens

The High Court threatens to issue an order against the Minister of Justice

As a result of the petition by the Movement for Government Quality, the Supreme Court threatened to issue an order against the condition regarding the appointment of judges for Yariv Levin concerning the issue of the committee's failure to convene.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 06.09.23

Distel Against the Judges of the High Court

A minister from the Likud against the judges of the High Court: 'Nobody chose them'

Minister Galit Distel criticized the judges of the Supreme Court following the hearing of the petition against the Incapacity law and claimed: "No one gave them the authority to do this"

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 03.08.23

Yesh Atid Petitions Against the Legal Reform

Yesh Atid petitions against the Basic Law: "There was no proper procedure"

The "Yesh Atid" party is filed an appeal to the Supreme Court against the reduction of The Clause of Reasonability: "In the text of the law, not a single comment from the Members of Knesset was included. It seems that a deliberate intent prevented a thorough, comprehensive, and substantive work process"

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 02.08.23

Lapid's Response to the Likud

Lapid responds to Likud: "A threatening letter was sent to the court"

Opposition leader Yair Lapid responded to Likud's announcement about the expected hearing at the High Court regarding the reduction of The Clause of Reasonability, and claimed that "the threat letter was clear: basic laws have never been rejected by the court, so don't even try to touch them now"

JFeed | 01.08.23