Conscription Law

Haredi draft law, protests
"We will die and not enlist," religious extremism continues over Haredi draft law

Following the high courts rule to draft religious yeshiva students into the IDF, mass protests have broken out in Jerusalem as Haredim remain against serving.

| Eliana Fleming | 30.06.24

Benny Gantz, Conscription Law

Gantz presents new conscription law: "the situation calls for total mobilization"

Chairman of the State Camp Benny Gantz presented an outline for the conscription law and said that: "all parts of society should take part in serving our country."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 26.02.24

The Conscription Law

Goldknopf on the Conscription Law: "What is promised must be fulfilled"

Ahead of the cabinet meeting, the minister answered the reporters' questions and referred to the issue of the Conscription Law, about which the ultra-orthodox Knesset members had previously threatened that they would not support further legislation until the law is settled

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 27.08.23

New Instructions to Ultra-Orthodox Students

Instruction to ultra-Orthodox students: Report for the first draft notice at the conscription offices

Following the expiration of the Conscription Law and the lack of regulation of the status of yeshiva students, the committee of ultra-Orthodox yeshivas publishes guidelines for students in which they are asked to report for the first draft notice at the conscription offices

Yehuda Klein, Srugim News | 22.08.23