recruitment of Haredim

Haredim, IDF Draft, Protests
UTJ ministers attacked in Ultra Orthodox protests last night - Here's what we know

Violent clashes erupt in Jerusalem as Ultra-Orthodox protest military conscription.

Gila Isaacson | 01.07.24

Haredi draft law, protests

"We will die and not enlist," religious extremism continues over Haredi draft law

Following the high courts rule to draft religious yeshiva students into the IDF, mass protests have broken out in Jerusalem as Haredim remain against serving.

| Eliana Fleming | 30.06.24

IDF, Haredim

Ultra-Orthodox Rabbis lead fundraising frenzy as Israeli government cuts grants

Ultra-Orthodox community in Israel raises nearly $100 Million in response to High Court ruling to cut funding to yeshivas.

Gila Isaacson | 26.06.24

IDF, Haredim

Haredi MK: This is how a draft can succeed

UTJ MK Yitzhak Pindrus did not rule out establishing Haredi units - on one condition.

JFeed Staff | 20.06.24

Haredim, Netanyahu

Aryeh Deri blasts Netanyahu: Since the founding of the state, there hasn't been a government as bad for the Haredim as this one

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri criticizes Netanyahu amidst controversy over halting of "Rabbinate Law."

Gila Isaacson | 19.06.24

IDF, Israel-Gaza War

Divisive Draft: Israel's Haredi military law sparks intense Knesset debate

Intense debate about Haredi draft divides Knesset and leads to mutual hurling of accusations.

Gila Isaacson | 18.06.24

Haredi Draft Bill, Knesset Member

Religious Knesset Member: It is difficult for me to say that the Ultra-Orthodox who do not serve are my brothers

The Knesset member Elazar Stern refers to the issue of recruiting the ultra-Orthodox and says that it is difficult for him to define the ultra-Orthodox who do not enlist as "brothers". He also said: They tell us; "We can't be seen as Ultra-Orthodox."

JFeed Staff | 17.06.24

Yair Lapid, Haredi Draft Law

Lapid accuses Bibi of selling out the soldiers 

MK Yair Lapid urged Knesset members to stay in the Knesset day and night until his version of an Haredi draft law is passed.

Avi Nachmani, JFeed Staff | 17.06.24

Haredi, IDF

Actress Maya Dagan criticizes Haredim amid national mourning

Maya Dagan's criticism of the Charedi draft exemption sparks debate amid national grief.

Gila Isaacson | 16.06.24

Lieberman Supports

Lieberman Surprises: "Strengthen the Ultra-Orthodox Youth"

Member of Knesset Avigdor Lieberman published a post on the social network in which he called to strengthen the youth of ultra-Orthodox society, and to support them in light of the increasing choice of the public to enlist.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 31.12.23

The Ultra-Orthodox can Enlist

The War in the South: This is how the Ultra-Orthodox can Enlist in the IDF

The fighting in the south and the Israeli public's mood have led to numerous inquiries from private individuals and leaders of various Haredi groups who expressed their desire to enlist in the conflict. Various programs have been established for those with military exemptions to integrate into the system.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 15.10.23