Anti-Semitism, UK, Tory Candidate

Anti-Israel vandals deface office of UK Tory candidate

Graffiti reading "Zionist child killer" in red was used to deface the office of parliamentary candidate Robert Largan.

UK Police (Photo: Alexandre Rotenberg )

On Monday, anti-Israel activists vandalized the office of a British Tory parliamentary candidate, according to Arutz 7. The windows of Robert Largan's High Peak office were defaced with red graffiti calling him a "Zionist child killer."

Largan told the Chronicle that he has repeatedly been a target of anti-Israel activists and vandals. Upon hearing about the latest act of vandalism, he thought, "Here we go again," and voiced his worry that such incidents are becoming “routine.”

Although Largan is not Jewish, he has encountered antisemitism several times during the current election campaign, including from a voter who said he would never "trust anything to do with the Jews."


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Anti-Semitism, Greece

Seven arrested in Greece for setting fire to synagogue and Israeli-owned hotel.

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Avi Nachmani | 16:31

CNN reporter, Hamas terror

CNN journalist found affiliated with Hamas, promoted terrorism

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Anti-Semitism, Canada, Montreal

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Anti-Semitism, Seattle

Anti-Israel graffiti labeled 'straightforwardly' antisemitic' by seven museums

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Anti-Semitism, Australia

Jewish organization in Australia endorses anti-Israel student activism.

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Anti-Semitism, Cincinnati

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Israel-Gaza War, Antisemitism, Dua Lipa

Glastonbury faces backlash for disgraceful displays of antisemitism

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France, Antisemitism

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