The University of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh police launched a wave of crackdowns against the local Beitar, suspecting Jewish students of planning a malevolent activity after having satirically distributed "fictitious beepers" to pro-Palestinian activists, prompting them to claim that they wanted to "blow them up."
In response to the satirical incident, the University and Pittsburgh police carried out a series of persecutions against Beitar, including brutally removing the child of one of the local Beitar leaders from a classroom, simply because of his father's connection to the organization. Students were also questioned about their activities in the organization.
According to Beitar activists, this was a serious anti-Semitic incident, when the authorities searched and inquired, in every classroom, who was Jewish and who was a member of Beitar – a completely legal and legitimate organization – and took them out for interrogation. At the same time, according to the sources, much more serious incidents, such as calls for intifada and jihad, have not been investigated.
In addition, the movement's accounts have been suspended from WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook, preventing the organization from functioning, or raising funds for subsidiary organizations, such as the organization that helps Duvdevan.
* Channel 14 contributed to this article.