UN Secretary-General

Israel-Gaza War
FM Katz: "Look surprised, the Palestinians fabricate stories of rape to incite anti-Semitism"

The Foreign Minister posted this response on X/Twitter to the revelation that accusations of IDF soldiers raping Palestinians proved themselves to be false according to a Hamas investigation.

Avi Woolf | 25.03.24


Foreign Minister Katz recalls UN Ambassador Erdan due to UN Secretary-General silence on Hamas rape report

A UN report confirmed multiple acts of rape and sexual abuse by Hamas on October 7.

Avi Woolf | 04.03.24

UNRWA Funding Boycott

Another Country Joins the Boycott: France TemporarilySuspends Funding to UNRWA 

The French government announced that it will temporarily freeze UNRWA's funding, after it was revealed that some of the organization's employees took part in the October 7 massacre. This is the tenth country to announce the suspension of aid to the organization in Gaza.

JFeed Staff | 28.01.24

UNRWA, A Global Ban

Global Ban on UNRWA: Employees Were Involved in the Massacre

After Israel exposed that 12 employees of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees participated in the October 7 massacre, many countries announced the suspension of funding and called for an investigation into the organization's actions in Gaza.

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 27.01.24

Israel At War

"Sometimes I Think he is the Spokesman for Hamas"

MK Danny Danon attacked the UN Secretary-General over the IDF's activity in the Gaza Strip: "He took a hostile position." On the operation in Shifa: "We have information that in the area there were and maybe there are abductees"

JFeed | 15.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, "Collective Punishment"

Guterres: "Hamas's Attack does not Justify Collective Punishment"

The UN Secretary General caused another uproar and claimed that Israel is carrying out collective punishment on the residents of Gaza. Guterres noted that since the beginning of the war, approximately 101 workers have been killed in the ranks of the organization.

| JFeed | 12.11.23

"He Lost His Moral Compass"

Erdan Responds to the UN Secretary General: "He Lost His Moral Compass"

After UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres claimed that "Gaza is becoming a cemetery for children," Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan responded angrily: "He is a secretary-general who has lost his moral compass, and he must not remain in his position for even one more minute."

| Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 06.11.23

"Condemn the October 7 Attack"

UN Secretary General: Condemn the October 7 Attack

The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres condemned Hamas's terrorist attacks and rocket fire while also criticizing Israel: "Gaza is turning into a cemetery for children. The number of casualties underscores the importance of an immediate ceasefire."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 06.11.23

"Condemn Hamas"

Blinken: "No Country in the UN Would Tolerate Slaughter"

The American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, condemned the remarks of the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, and called for condemning Hamas: "No country that is a member of the UN would tolerate the slaughter of its people. We all need to condemn Hamas without reservation."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 24.10.23

"The Secretary-General must Resign"

Erdan is Angry: "The UN Secretary-General must Resign from his Position"

Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, strongly criticized UN Secretary-General António Guterres: "The UN Secretary-General, who shows understanding towards the mass murder of children, women, and the elderly, must resign from his position."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 24.10.23

Justification of Terrorism

UN Secretary General: "The Attack by Hamas - Because they are Under Occupation"

UN Secretary-General António Guterres argued during a discussion at the United Nations Security Council on the war in the south that "it must be recognized that Hamas's attacks did not occur in a vacuum. For 56 years, the Palestinians have been suffocating under occupation." Erdan responded, "Justification of terrorism and murder."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 24.10.23