Justification of Terrorism

UN Secretary General: "The Attack by Hamas - Because they are Under Occupation"

UN Secretary-General António Guterres argued during a discussion at the United Nations Security Council on the war in the south that "it must be recognized that Hamas's attacks did not occur in a vacuum. For 56 years, the Palestinians have been suffocating under occupation." Erdan responded, "Justification of terrorism and murder."

UN Secretary General António Guterres (Photo: Shutterstock)

Outrageous statement: In the United Nations Security Council, an additional emergency discussion on the war in Israel took place this evening (Tuesday). During the discussion, UN Secretary-General António Guterres referred to the deadly attack by Hamas on October 7th and argued that the events leading to the outbreak of the war stem from the fact that the Palestinians are "under occupation."

"It must be recognized that Hamas' attacks did not happen in a vacuum," argued Guterres. "For 56 years, the Palestinians have been under oppressive occupation, their lands seized, their economy crippled, and their homes destroyed."

He further claimed, "Since October 7th, Israel has been bombing Gaza without restraint. The chances for a diplomatic solution are fading. I call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire."

Erdan in response: "The Secretary General is completely disconnected from the reality in our region"

Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, responded angrily to Guterres' remarks and said, "The shocking speech by the UN Secretary-General at the beginning of the Security Council discussion, while rockets are being fired at all of Israel, proved once and for all that the Secretary-General is completely detached from the reality in our region and he views the Hamas terrorists' massacre of our children in a distorted and immoral way."

"His statement as if the Hamas Nazi terrorist attack 'did not happen in a vacuum' constitutes a justification for terrorism and murder. It's appalling," Erdan added. "It's sad that at the helm of an organization that arose in the aftermath of the Holocaust, there is someone with such views. It's chilling."

Minister Benny Gantz also said, "Days when the UN Secretary-General legitimizes terrorism are dark days indeed. There is no way to justify the killing of innocent civilians. Those who do not stand on the right side of history will be judged by it. Those who provide legitimacy to terrorism have no right to speak in the name of the world."


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IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

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