
Tragedy, Car Accident
TRAGEDY IN CROWN HEIGHTS: 15-year-old Chabad student passes away two months after being struck by a car

After fighting for his life for two months, Menachem Mendel Bluming tragically passed away yesterday (Wednesday). 

| Gila Isaacson | 08:33

Fallen Soldiers

DEVASTATING: Four IDF soldiers killed, several wounded in Rafah fighting

| Gila Isaacson | 18.09.24


Tragedy strikes New Jersey: Three family members killed in late-night crash

| Gila Isaacson | 17.09.24

Mazal Tov, Birth

HEARTWARMING: After losing 2 children in shocking ramming attack– Paley family welcomes new baby boy

| Gila Isaacson | 17.09.24

Death, Tragedy

Boruch Dayan Haemes: Rabbi Shmuel Raber, head of Jerusalem's 'Otzar HaTorah' Yeshiva, passed away 

| Gila Isaacson | 17.09.24


TRAGEDY: Worker dies after falling into sewage pit in Mazkeret Batya 

| Gila Isaacson | 16.09.24

Tragedy, Accident

Horrific tragedy in Or Akiva: 4-year-old boy dies in freak gate accident

Gila Isaacson | 15.09.24

Car Accident

Deadly accident near Ramla: Two killed and six injured on Route 431

| Gila Isaacson | 12.09.24

Ukraine, Russia

Ukraine's Chief Rabbi mourns– His adopted son was killed in combat against Russian forces

| Gila Isaacson | 12.09.24

Chizzuk, Nechamah

Rabbi Shaul Alter visited  the family of murdered Hamas hostage Ori Danino– Here's what he said

| Gila Isaacson | 12.09.24

IDF Helicopter Crash

Initial Assessment: This is the cause of the fatal IDF helicopter crash in Gaza

| Gila Isaacson, JFeed Staff | 12.09.24

IDF, Helicopters

What we know about IDF Black Hawk helicopters ('Yanshuf') | WATCH

Gila Isaacson | 11.09.24

Tragedy, Fallen Soldiers

Cleared for publication: These are the soldiers who died in last night's tragic helicopter crash 

Gila Isaacson, JFeed Staff | 11.09.24

Accident, Tragedy, IDF

DEVASTATING ACCIDENT: IDF helicopter crashes in Gaza, 2 fatalities and at least 7 soldiers injured

Gila Isaacson | 11.09.24


Devastating drowning: 19-year-old dies in Ashkelon Mikvah

Gila Isaacson | 10.09.24

Accident, Dayan Emes

Tragic accident in Monsey: 2-year-old girl died after being struck by vehicle

Gila Isaacson | 10.09.24

Hamas, Nova, Allenby Bridge

DEVASTATING: He survived Hamas' attack at the Nova Festival– only to lose his father to a terror attack

Gila Isaacson | 09.09.24

Terror Attack

Permitted for publication: These are the names of the 3 Israelis murdered at Allenby Bridge today

Gila Isaacson, JFeed Staff | 08.09.24

Allenby Crossing, IDF

Another failure exposed? Soldiers at Allenby Crossing– the scene of today's deadly terror attack– were unarmed 

Gila Isaacson | 08.09.24

Skolye Rebbe, BDE

Boruch Dayan Haemes: The Skolye Rebbe has passed away

Gila Isaacson | 08.09.24
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