Shaare Zedek Hospital

Toddler in Critical condition, Toxic substance
Toddler Around Two Years Old Consumed Toxic Substance, Condition Critical

In Jerusalem, a toddler around two years old ingested a toxic substance and is in critical condition. The child suffered from shortness of breath, and his condition was described as severe. Paramedics and medics from Magen David Adom (MDA) transported the child to the hospital.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 28.08.24

Car Accident in Jerusalem

11 Injured in Accident Involving Bus and 3 Vehicles in Jerusalem

Eleven people were injured in a traffic accident involving a bus and three vehicles near the International Convention Center in Jerusalem. All of the injured were reported to be in light condition. Eight of the injured were transferred to the hospital.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 22.08.24

Tech, CrowdStrike

Global tech outage could lead to Billion-dollar fallout

CrowdStrike's software update mishap triggered worldwide tech meltdown last week. Fallout could cost over $1 billion as airlines, hospitals, and businesses grapple with disruptions.

Gila Isaacson | 22.07.24

Bus Crash, transport, Israel, Jerusalem

Jerusalem: Bus Veers into Wadi near the Biblical Zoo

An empty bus veered off its route and into a wadi on Aharon Shulov Street, near the Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem. The 50-year-old driver sustained minor injuries and was treated on-site by Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency medical teams.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 15.07.24

Five Injured Near Beit Horon

Five injured, including a baby, in an accident near Beit Horon

In an accident where a vehicle collided with a concrete barricade near the Beit Horon interchange, five injured individuals were evacuated to Shaare Zedek Hospital, including a small infant approximately two weeks old in moderate condition with limb injuries

JFeed | 02.10.23

Fear of Amputation

Fear of amputation: a door was slammed on the hand of an 8-year-old in Mount Hebron

A door was closed on the hand of an 8-year-old boy in one of the settlements in Mount Hebron. He was taken to Shaare Zedek Hospital with a fear of amputation and his condition is classified as moderate

JFeed | 30.08.23