Ori Megidish

Israel - Gaza War, Ori Megidish
Ori Megidish, who was Rescued from Gaza with a Message to the World - Watch:

Exactly two months after the rescue of Ori Megidish from Hamas captivity, the IDF spokesman published a video this evening in which she asks to do everything to bring the other abductees home.

Abraham Gutman, JFeed Staff | 30.12.23

New Evidence from Shifa Hospital

A Picture of Ori Megidish was Found on a Computer in Shifa

The IDF is beginning to map the information captured at the Hamas headquarters at Shifa Hospital. A photo of the observer Ori Megidish was found on one of the computers, which indicates the connection between the hospital and the kidnappers.

JFeed | 16.11.23

New Details

New Details About the Rescue of the Soldier Ori Megidish

The shining rescue of the soldier Ori Megidish brought a lot of joy and hope to the country. This evening, further details are being revealed about the complex rescue operation that included the elimination of two terrorists.

JFeed | 06.11.23


Ori Megidish's Mother: Now Our Prayers are with the Other Abductees

Margalit Megidish, the mother of Ori who was released from Hamas captivity, expressed her gratitude to the security forces for the release operation and conveyed a message that the prayers are now dedicated to the release of all the captives.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 31.10.23

Israel-Gaza War

Defense Minister Gallant: "Hamas terrorists have two options - surrender or die"

Gallant made this statement while addressing the rescue of soldier Ori Megidish.

JFeed | 30.10.23

Israel-Gaza War

IDF Spokesperson: "We returned Ori home, we'll return them all"

The IDF Spokesperson addressed the released Hamas video of three hostages, calling it psychological warfare and not to share it.

Liran Vainshtain, Yehuda Klein, JFeed | 30.10.23

Israel-Gaza War

"A Heroic Operation": New Details on Soldier's Rescue 

Shin Bet forces entered the heart of Gaza City to free captive soldier Ori Megidish, in an operation planned for days.

Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 30.10.23

Israel-Gaza War

Herzog: Forces Working Round the Clock With Endless Dedication

Energy Minister Yisrael Katz said that they would do anything creatively to free them.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 30.10.23

Israel-Gaza War

PM Congratulates Freeing of Captive: "The People of Israel Salute the IDF and the Shin Bet"

Netanyahu: "And to the Hamas and ISIS terrorists, I say: you are monsters. We will continue to pursue you, we will continue to hunt you."

JFeed | 30.10.23

Israel-Gaza War

Captive Soldier Freed in Gaza During Ground Maneuver

Soldier Ori Megidish, taken captive from the Nachal Oz outpost where she served as an observer, was freed tonight thanks to joint IDF-Shin Bet effort in Gaza.

| Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 30.10.23