
IDF war in Gaza, Israel-Hamas war
IDF in crisis situation: record number of officers request retirement

Over recent months there has been a dramatic increase in the number of IDF officers seeking to retire from service, according to Channel 12 reports.

Eliana Fleming | 01.07.24

Israel At War

Indictment Filed Against Citizen Who Impersonated an Officer and Entered Gaza

The impersonator joined IDF forces in the hours following the Hamas attack and even entered the Gaza Strip with the troops; the Shin Bet emphasizes that there was no malicious intent in his actions.

JFeed Staff | 10.01.24

An Officer Indicted

Drug trafficking and grenades: an indictment was filed against an officer

An indictment was filed against an IDF officer for crimes of drug trafficking and removing weapons from the military authority. According to the indictment, the suspect received a payment of 100,000 NIS for selling drugs, and seven grenades were found in his home

JFeed | 03.08.23