Joe Biden

"A Big Mistake"
MK Amit Halevi: "No, President Biden, this is a Big Mistake"

MK Amit Halevi criticizes President Biden: "If you came here to release a few captives, demonstrate our friendship, and yet ensure that after the war, Israel won't control the Gaza Strip, and life there will return to normal, then - Don't do it!"

JFeed | 18.10.23

"Not Done by Israel"

Biden: The Explosion at the Hospital was Not Done by Israel

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 18.10.23

Biden Landed in Israel

In the Shadow of the Security Situation: President Biden Landed in Israel

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 18.10.23

Biden's Visit to Israel

President Biden's Visit to Israel: This is the Schedule

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 18.10.23


Former Labor Minister: "Don't give up, even if Biden applies pressure"

Chani Edri, JFeed | 17.10.23


US to Iran: Expansion of the War Will Lead to US Reaction

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 17.10.23


National Security Council Director: Biden's Embrace No Bear Hug

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 17.10.23


5 Hours in Israel: How Biden's Visit Will Look

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 17.10.23

A Hostile Takeover

Biden's Assistance Turned Out to be a Hostile Takeover of the Situation

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 16.10.23


The Price of Biden's Support: A Path to a Palestinian State

JFeed | 16.10.23

"Nothing to Do With It"

Biden: "The Overwhelming Majority of Palestinians have Nothing to Do With It"

JFeed | 15.10.23


Biden Responds to Trump: "The Time to Praise Terrorists - Never"

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 12.10.23


Gallant Responds to Trump: "Baseless Speculation"

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 12.10.23


Netanyahu Calls Biden to Thank Him for the Aid

JFeed | 11.10.23

Biden Expresses Support

Biden: "The only goal of Hamas is to kill Jews"

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 10.10.23

Netanyahu Spoke with Biden

For the second time: Netanyahu spoke with President Biden

JFeed | 08.10.23

Gantz Met with Biden's Advisor

An agreement with Saudi Arabia? Gantz met in the US with Biden's advisor

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 05.10.23

Welcome Back

Welcome: Prime Minister's Plane Lands Safely in Israel

JFeed | 24.09.23

Normalization with Saudi Arabia

Report in the United States: Netanyahu is ready to allow the Saudi nuclear program

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 21.09.23


Saudi crown prince: "We are getting closer to an agreement with Israel"

Eliyau Luksenberg, JFeed | 21.09.23
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