Netanyahu, Biden

Report: The reason why Netanyahu was 'furious' after phone call with Biden

Prime Minister Netanyahu strongly opposes President Biden's decision to sign a presidential order against 'dangerous' settlers.

Netanyahu during conversation with Biden (Government Press Office)

According to Axios news network's Barak Ravid, Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed his displeasure to President Biden during their last conversation, which took place Sunday.

The network claimed that during the telephone call held by the two leaders, the Prime Minister said he resented the publication of the American presidential order in which Biden imposed sanctions on four settlers in Judea and Samaria.

During the conversation, the Prime Minister expressed his disappointment with the decision and emphasized to the President that in his opinion this step was unnecessary since according to him, Israel has already handled all manifestations of violence or extremism on the part of settlers, taking considerable steps on the issue over the past months.

According to the Prime Minister, the actions included imposing restrictions on certain settlers, and even placing them in administrative detention if necessary.

In addition, the Prime Minister informed the President that he will demand clarifications from the State Department, which was responsible for publishing the order through the Minister of Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer, and will request the preparation of a list of clarifications regarding the authority of the order on a number of subjects so that Israel can examine the extent of its impact and consequences of its signing.


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