
Temple Mount
Former Mufti of Jerusalem indicted on incitement to terror charges

It's about time: the State Prosecutor's Office announced that an indictment will be filed against the former Mufti of Jerusalem.

Oz Israel Schwartz | 21.02.24

Israel-Gaza War, Supreme Court

Courts Legal Adviser Demands Removal of Caricature Critical of Court

Adv. Barak Laser, Legal Adviser to the Courts Administration, sent a letter to the Shevi'i newsletter board, demanding it remove a caricature showing Chief Justice Hayut standing over a slain soldier, which it claims amounts to incitement.

JFeed Staff | 04.01.24

Israel-Gaza War, Israeli Arabs

Mansour Abbas Calls for Complete Ceasefire and Release of Hostages

The Ra'am Party Chairman stressed the dangers of inciting material online and spoke of how the devastation in Gaza causes him pain.

JFeed | 30.10.23

Israel-Gaza War

Interior Minister Arbel: Examine Revoking Citizenship for Terror-Supporting Actress

In an unusual step, Minister Arbel asked the Population and Immigration Authority to consider revoking Maisa Abd Elhadi's citizenship for inciting to terrorism and mocking a hostage.

| Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 29.10.23


Incitement: An Indictment Against the Actress who Supported Hamas

An indictment will be filed against the actress Maisa Abd Elhadi for incitement, following her postings on her Instagram page supporting Hamas actions. Elhadi was arrested following these posts but was released last week.

JFeed | 29.10.23

Israel-Gaza War

Levin and AG Discuss Policy in Anti-Incitement Clampdown

At the meeting, Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara said the policy is going after all inciters to the full extent of the law.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 27.10.23

Israel-Gaza War

Terror Consumption Law Amendment Passes Against Arab Opposition

An amendment to the Terror Consumption Law prohibiting systematic consumption of terror publications passed a first vote and goes to committee.

| JFeed | 25.10.23