Hamas terrorists

Israel - Gaza War
TBN Israel's Yair Pinto Reports on Israel-Gaza War Developments

TBN Israel's Yair Pinto reveals in a recent update that Hamas, amidst the war, has expanded its use of civilians for military purposes. 

Abraham Gutman | 31.01.24

Israel - Gaza War

Watch: Drone Identified from Above, Terrorists Neutralized with a Missile

In recent weeks, fighters from the 4th (Kiryati) Brigade operated in the Khan Yunis area, eliminating numerous terrorists. The IDF emphasizes that forces utilized surveillance drones to gather intelligence, enabling the elimination of terrorist operatives.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 30.01.24

Israel - Gaza War

Elimination of Attackers Involved in Planting Explosives

Soldiers who identified Hamas terrorists hiding explosive charges near the forces directed an aircraft that bombed the terrorists from the air and neutralized them.

JFeed Staff | 27.01.24

Israel - Gaza War

TBN Israel's Yair Pinto Reports on Israel-Gaza War Developments

TBN Israel's reporter Yair Pinto delivers raw accounts from the heart of the Israel-Gaza conflict, unveiling critical developments. Watch:

Abraham Gutman | 18.01.24

Legal Representation for Terrorists

Rothman Suggests: Denying Legal Representation for the 7.10 Terrorists

Chairman of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, Member of Knesset Simcha Rothman, placed on the Knesset table a proposal that would prevent legal representation from the Hamas terrorists who are being held in custody after they entered Israel on October 7.

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 25.12.23

200 Terrorists Escaped

Report: Israel Let 200 Hamas Terrorists Escape

Israel allowed 200 Hamas terrorists to escape from Shifa Hospital to the southern Gaza Strip, the "Wall Street Journal" reported today. The reason may have been to avoid the murder of many patients who were hospitalized at the time.

| Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 11.12.23