
Gerard Darmamin, Paris Olympics 2024
Plague-infected letter sent to French Interior Minister sparks security alert 

A letter laced with black powder and racist messages, now confirmed to be infected with the bubonic plague, has heightened security concerns across France.

Avi Nachmani | 29.07.24

IDF, Lebanon, Hezbollah

With tensions escalating, France and Norway call on citizens to avoid Lebanon 

Following the massacre in Majdal Shams and the expected powerful Israeli response, both France and Norway are calling on their citizens to steer clear of the region.

| Avi Woolf | 28.07.24

Paris Olympics 2024, Israeli team, terror threats

Explicit Threat: "Rivers of Blood Will Flow in Paris"

One of the terrorist organizations has posted a video on social media: "France will pay for supporting Zionists." This comes after Iran called for Israel to be banned from participating in the upcoming Olympics.

| Eliana Fleming | 23.07.24

Paris Olympics, Antisemitism

Shocking: French MP calls to ban Israeli Flag at Paris Olympics

Olympic controversy erupts: French lawmaker demands Israeli flag ban, sparking diplomatic row and security concerns ahead of Paris Games.

Gila Isaacson, JFeed Staff | 21.07.24

Paris Olympics, Antisemitism

Neo-Nazi teen jailed for alleged plot against Paris Olympics

Far-Right teen jailed as France ramps up Olympic security; authorities act on potential threats amid heightened vigilance for Paris Games.

Gila Isaacson | 21.07.24

Terrorism, Europe

This European city is under the most threat right now

16 million tourists will come to visit it this summer.  

Avi Nachmani | 17.07.24


France 24: Macron angering leftwing bloc with call for "centrist" coalition

French President Macron sent an open letter calling for "mainstream political forces" to form a coalition, since no one political bloc won an absolute majority in the elections.

Avi Woolf | 11.07.24

French Legislative Elections 2024, Caroline Yadan

Newly-elected Jewish MP in France declares: "My goal is to eradicate anti-Semitism"

Caroline Yadan's district is composed of French citizens residing outside France—in countries such as Israel, Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, and Italy.

Avi Nachmani | 09.07.24

French Elections, Left-Wing politics, Anti-Semitism

Do French Jews have a future in France?

With the Left-wing's shocking rise to power, French Jews are fearing for their futures as Sunday's election results reveal Anti-Semitic party to take the lead.

Eliana Fleming | 08.07.24

France, Elections, Politics, Antisemitism

French Elections: "Mélenchon is a threat to Jews" says CRIF president Yonathan Arfi

France's Jewish Leaders Urge Exclusion of Far-Left from Government Coalition

Gila Isaacson | 08.07.24

France, Elections

France 24: Macron refuses Prime Minister Attal's resignation

The French President asked him to stay on temporarily for the sake of the country's "stability."

Avi Woolf | 08.07.24

France, Elections, New Popular Front, Politics 

France: Stunning surprise victory in snap elections

Leftist coalition secures most seats, but falls short of majority.

Gila Isaacson | 08.07.24

France Elections 2024, Left-wing, politics

French elections: crucial twist as left wing alliance takes lead 

France sees highest voter turnout since 1981, with 61% as of 5pm in second round of France’s snap parliamentary election. But as live updates come in, results seem to have drastically swung in other direction since first round of elections, france 24 news reports.

Eliana Fleming | 07.07.24


French turnout at 5 pm nearly 20 points higher than in 2022

According to France 24, 59.71% of French citizens have voted, compared to 38.11% in 2022.

Avi Woolf | 07.07.24

France, Nuclear Weapons

"Additional life insurance"? France proposes independent "European" nuclear arsenal

With the Cold War over and the bipartisan support for Europe waning in the US, Europe is considering collective defense on a scale never before considered.

Avi Woolf | 07.07.24


Turnout in French parliamentary elections highest since 1981

As of noon today, 26.63% of French citizens have voted, 7 points higher than in 2022.

Avi Woolf | 07.07.24


"The choice is between Stalin and Hitler": French Jewry's dilemma

With the second round for the French parliamentary election looking like a close-run thing, French Jews speak about their difficult choices.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 07.07.24

France, Elections

France heads back to the polls in crucial second round of snap election

Far-Right surge threatens Macron's centrist alliance.

Gila Isaacson | 07.07.24

French Elections, Legislative Elections, Far-right

French elections: Left-wing candidates pull out all the stops to curb the radical right

224 contestants from the center and the left, who advanced to the 2nd round, withdrew from it to increase the chances of prevailing on Sunday over the candidates of the National Rally.

Avi Nachmani | 04.07.24

France, Iran, Revolutionary Guards

France expels Iranian who incited against Israel and harassed the opponents of the regime

The Iranian citizen is suspected of ties to the Revolutionary Guards.

Avi Nachmani | 04.07.24