A complaint was filed against France's chief rabbi, Haim Korsia, after he said in an interview with the French media that "the Israeli army should finish the job in Gaza."
Rabbi Korsia's statement provoked great anger among Israel's enemies after he expressed open support for the IDF's operations against the terrorist organization Hamas in Gaza. In a live broadcast to the French media, the rabbi said: "I have no reason to be ashamed of what Israel is doing and the way it conducts the fighting" and that "I feel comfortable with a policy that consists of protecting its citizens."
"Everyone will be very happy if Israel finishes the job, and we can finally build peace in the Middle East without people who only want one thing all the time - the destruction of Israel," the rabbi added.
The member of the French parliament, Aimery Caron, who did not like the words of the chief rabbi of the French Jewish community, said that he contacted the prosecutors in Paris for what he claimed amounted to "supporting war crimes". According to the Daily Mail, the punishment for this type of offense in France may reach up to five years in prison and a fine equivalent to about 40,000 pounds.