Arab authorities

Budgets for the Arab Authorities
Bypassing Smotrich: The Interior Minister will Transfer Budgets to the Arab Authorities

Minister of Interior Moshe Arbel has announced that he is transferring budgets to the Arab authorities without the approval of Finance Minister Smotrich. This comes after, in August, Smotrich froze the grant promised to the authorities with the support of Shaked and Abbas.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 30.10.23

Yoseph Haddad

Yoseph Haddad: "The Arab leadership has no intention of addressing crime in the sector"

Yoseph Haddad, an Israeli Arab who has become one of the symbols of Israeli advocacy, points an accusing finger at the Arab leadership for the state of the sector in an interview and also, answers the question of whether we will see him as a member of the Knesset

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 07.09.23

Smotrich will Transfer the Money

Arbel intervened - Smotrich will transfer money to the Arab authorities

After Finance Minister Smotrich refused to transfer funds intended for the Arab authorities, Interior Minister Moshe Arbel intervened and the money will be transferred through the Ministry of the Interior

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 28.08.23

Ben Gvir will not Meet with Arab Officials

Ben Gvir will boycott a meeting with the heads of the Arab authorities

In light of the request of the head of the Shabak, a meeting will be held with the heads of the Arab authorities, where they will be assured that they will receive the money to deal with crime. Minister Ben Gvir will boycott the meeting: "It is not my job"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 27.08.23

Elkin Criticizes Smotrich

Elkin vs. Smotrich: "This is madness, take responsibility"

Member of Knesset Ze'ev Elkin criticized Minister Smotrich following his decision to freeze the financial grants for institutes intended for East Jerusalem Arabs, stating, "In the name of populism, Smotrich is pushing students from East Jerusalem towards the path of terror. This is insane"

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 08.08.23

Smotrich's Response to Arbel's Letter

Smotrich: "There are more important needs than Ra'am's political funds"

The Minister of Finance responds to the letter from the Minister of the Interior regarding the transfer of political funds to the Arab authorities: "This is political coalition money and has no professional justification"

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 07.08.23