
Israel-Gaza War
Electricity line being repaired in Gaza for first time since October 7

The Palestinian effort reconnects the Strip to the Israeli electrical grid in order to operate a sewage station and a desalination plant.

Oz Israel Schwartz, Avi Woolf, JFeed Staff | 02.07.24

Israel - Gaza War

The Palestinians in Shock: Israeli Tanks in Western Khan Yunis

Palestinian Media Reports: Tanks seen in Western Khan Yunis, close to the former Gush Katif Area, for the first time since the beginning of the war.

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 22.01.24


Israel and US Discuss Minimal Humanitarian Aid to Gaza

A diplomatic source reiterated Israel's refusal to provide aid until the captives are returned, but would discuss minimal aid "to sustain life" - if it doesn't reach Hamas.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 18.10.23