France, Antisemitism

Analysis: Why French Jews' are turning to the Far Right

Amid rising antisemitic incidents, the upcoming snap elections see French Jews facing a difficult choice between far-right and far-left candidates.

Political posters represent Macron, Le Pen and Melenchon (Photo: Shutterstock: obatala-photography)

In an unexpected twist during a politically charged period in France, many French Jews are reluctantly endorsing the far right over the far left as the nation heads to the polls for snap elections. This unprecedented shift comes in the wake of rising antisemitic incidents following the October 7 events.

Earlier this month, French President Emmanuel Macron made a startling announcement in a live televised address, calling for snap elections. He described the decision as “grave and serious” but necessary to counter extremists “who endanger our nation.” This move was a direct response to the gains made by the French far right in the June 9 European Parliament elections. Macron’s declaration was intended to unite his base and other moderates around his centrist policies to counter the far right’s advances.

However, the strategy appears to be backfiring. As reported by Israel HaYom, the announcement has already incited riots from far-left protesters and could result in significant victories for both the far right and the far left, sidelining Macron and other centrists. Polls indicate that in many constituencies, voters will ultimately need to choose between a far-left candidate and a far-right one. This dilemma is particularly troubling for many French Jews, who are torn between two extremes.

Pre-election polls project only a 19% share of the vote for Macron’s Renaissance party, significantly trailing behind the far-right and far-left parties. In many constituencies, the second and final runoff round of voting on July 7 will likely feature candidates from the far-right National Rally party, led by Marine Le Pen, and the far-left New Popular Front. The latter is an alliance between the center-left Socialist Party and the far-left France Unbowed party (LFI), led by Jean-Luc Melenchon.

For French Jews, this election cycle has forced a painful choice. Some prominent figures have publicly endorsed the far right, despite their distaste, to prevent the far left from gaining power. Alain Finkielkraut, a well-known liberal Jewish philosopher, has stated that he would vote for Le Pen’s party if it were the only way to stop LFI from reaching power. Similarly, Serge Klarsfeld, a prominent Holocaust historian, has expressed a willingness to support the National Rally to counter what he sees as the greater threat of antisemitism from the far left.

This political upheaval coincides with a surge in antisemitic incidents across France. Recent reports include a widely publicized case involving three boys accused of raping a 12-year-old Jewish girl while making anti-Israel slurs. These incidents have exacerbated the fears and frustrations of the Jewish community, some of whom are questioning their place in French society.

Julien Dray, cofounder of the SOS-Racisme watchdog group, emphasized this growing concern, stating that many young Jews and families are considering emigration. Since 2014, around 50,000 Jews have moved to Israel, with another 3,200 expected to do so this year.

Marine Le Pen has attempted to distance her party from its antisemitic past and has condemned recent antisemitic incidents, positioning her party as a defender of Jewish interests against the far left. However, many in the Jewish community remain skeptical of the National Rally, given its historical associations and continued hardline stances on immigration and Islam.

Despite these efforts, some French Jews still staunchly oppose the far right. Ginette Kolinka, a Holocaust survivor, criticized the shift in Jewish support towards the National Rally, warning of the implications if even Jews begin to support the far right.

As France heads to the polls, its political landscape is marked by uncertainty and tension. The outcome of these elections will not only shape the future of French politics but also have significant implications for the Jewish community and the broader societal fabric of the nation.


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