state budget

Cut in Budget
For the Second Time: Knesset Announces Another Cut in Budget

Amir Ohana informed the Ministry of Finance that the Knesset will cut an amount of 121 million NIS from its budget for the coming year for the benefit of the war effort; which will be added to the 80 million NIS already cut at the beginning of the war.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 10.01.24

Yesha Council's Struggle

Yesha Council Initiates a Struggle: "No Budget without Security"

JFeed Staff | 10.01.24

State Budget

An Addition of 26 Billion: the State Budget will Reach Final Approval

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 12.12.23

State Budget

Barkat is Absent: the Amendment to the Budget was Approved in the First Reading

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 06.12.23

State Budget

Report: Netanyahu is Considering Firing the Senior Minister

JFeed Staff | 03.12.23