The United States

Murder, New Jersey, ultra-Orthodox
Two toddlers allegedly murdered in ultra-Orthodox community, mother arrested

During the night, a very large number of police arrived at the scene. 

Avi Nachmani | 26.06.24

Ze'ev Elkin

Ze'ev Elkin: "The world looks and sees the attitude that the US president treats us"

MK Ze'ev Elkin claims in an interview that relations between President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu have dramatic global effects: "This situation with our strategic partner is extremely disturbing"

JFeed | 19.09.23


US to Saudi Arabia: defense agreement in exchange for normalization

The United States offers Saudi Arabia a defense agreement under which the United States will undertake to fight alongside Saudi Arabia if it is attacked in exchange for normalization with Israel

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff | 19.09.23

Blue and White and Israeli Flags

The stock exchange was painted in blue and white and Israeli flags. This is the reason

Minister Nir Barkat officially closed the trading session tonight by ringing the iconic bell of the stock exchange, marking the end of trading on the world's largest stock exchange. In his honor, the stock exchange was painted in blue and white and adorned with Israeli flags

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 19.09.23

Gal Gadot Lived Up to the Challenge

The interview that left Gal Gadot speechless

Gal Gadot participated in the American talk show known for challenging interviews and had to eat a lot of spicy food during the interview. Gadot struggled a bit with the task but didn't forget to teach the famous Israeli sentence: "שרה שרה שיר שמח" (Sarah sings a joyful song)"

Itay Zaltzman, Srugim News | 15.08.23