
Reception for Mia Schem
Watch: The Reception in Shoham for the Freed Abductee Mia Schem

Watch the documentation: five days after she was released from captivity of the terrorist organization Hamas, Mia Schem returned today to her home in Shoham, where she was welcomed by the residents of the city.

Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff | 05.12.23

Special Prayer for Mia Schem

Wishing for Her Return: in Shoham They Held a Special Prayer for Mia Schem

Last weekend in Shoham, a special prayer was held and a Torah book was placed in a request for the release of Mia Schem, who is held captive by Hamas. Rabbi David Stav: I was moved to see a diverse audience, we became one family during this time.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 27.11.23

Wedding Before Reserve Service

Flash wedding: They were called for reserve service and decided to get married

A couple who arrived home last night from Thailand got married before their departure to the front after both of them received a summons. Rabbi David Stav, who officiated the ceremony, said to the two: "The expression of love is anchored between the couple and the people and the land"

JFeed | 10.10.23

"We Wish for Unity"

Chabad emissaries in a holiday greeting: "We wish for unity all year round"

Chabad emissaries from around the world have come together for a special video message for Rosh Hashanah, in which they talk about their preparations for the holiday. In their blessing, they also express hope that the unity they see among all parts of the Jewish people during the holidays will continue throughout the year

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 14.09.23