
Israel-Gaza Strip
IDF eliminates dozens of terrorists in Shejaiya

The IDF continues to eliminate terrorists and destroy terrorist infrastructure in the north, center, and south of the Gaza Strip.

Avi Woolf | 10:30

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF conducts house to house fight in Gaza Strip

The IDF continues to operate in Shejaiya, Rafah, and the central Gaza Strip in search of terrorists and weapons.

Avi Woolf | 01.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF discovers weapons and war rooms in schools and clinics in Gaza

The IDF continues to operate in Shejaiya, eliminating terrorists and rooting out weapons and terrorist infrastructure, including those concealed in civilian areas. 

Avi Woolf | 30.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF destroys buried mortar position in Rafah

The IDF continues to operate throughout the Gaza Strip, eliminating terrorists, destroying booby-trapped buildings, and removing terrorist infrastructure.

Avi Woolf | 30.06.24

Israel-Gaza War, IDF, Fallen Soldiers

IDF names 2 soldiers killed as it launches new op in Shejaiya

Two more beautiful lives cut short as IDF returns to Shejaiya.

Gila Isaacson | 30.06.24

Israel-Gaza War

Arab sources: IDF launches surprise attack in Shejaiya

Arab sources report a sudden IDF attack in Shejaiya in northern Gaza city, with residents fleeing artillery and helicopter fire.

JFeed Staff | 27.06.24

Israel- Gaza War

The IDF Killed the Commander of the Nukhba Company in Deir al-Balah

The Air Force forces killed Adel Msammah, the commander of Deir al-Balah's Nukhba company who commanded the terrorist forces that raided Kissufim on October 7.

JFeed Staff | 01.01.24

Israel - Gaza War

Sea, Land, and Air: 200 Targets were Attacked in the Gaza Strip | Watch

The IDF continues a combined attack on targets in the Gaza Strip. On the last day, 200 terrorist targets were attacked, in Shuja'iyya, Air Force aircraft eliminated terrorists.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 27.12.23

IDF has Gained Operational Control

Watch: The IDF has Gained Operational Control of the Shejaiya Neighborhood

Division 36 completed the phase of disbanding Hamas' core capabilities in Shejaiya - an operational hold on the neighborhood was achieved; Commander of Division 36: "You fought like lions in brotherhood and bravery with the spirit of the people at your back and you at the head of your fighters."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 21.12.23

Israel-Gaza War, Shejaiya

Watch: Shejaiya Neighborhood has Turned into One Big Parking Lot

The houses were blown up and leveled by the bulldozers of the engineering corps (D-9). Residents of Nahal Oz across the border can see the ruins of what was once Gaza's terror capital.

| JFeed Staff | 20.12.23

Israel - Gaza War

Shocking Exploitation: a Tunnel Shaft was Exposed Under a Baby's Crib

The IDF spokesman presented to the international media that during searches, carried out by the fighters of the Nahal brigade's combat team. In the area of the city of Jabalia, the fighters located a tunnel shaft inside the children's room.

JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

Israel-Gaza War

Terror HQ Destroyed in Shejaiya

During an IDF raid in Shejaiya, a Hamas battalion command HQ was destroyed.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 15.12.23

Israel - Gaza War, Tomer Grinberg HY"D

"What needs to be done will be done": The Last Message of the Fallen Battalion Commander

The IDF spokesman publishes the last recordings of Lt. Col. Tomer Grinberg, in which he is recorded on two-way radio  - instilling a fighting spirit in his soldiers and describing his feelings just before entering the camp from which he never returned.

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 14.12.23

Israel - Gaza War

The Dog Sat Down, New Details About the Battle in Shejaiya

The force sent to the operation in Shejaiya prepared for a low-intensity operation, but in practice encountered a force that was waiting for it in a planned ambush with large amounts of ammunition and a fortified tunnel route.

JFeeds Staff | 14.12.23

Israel  - Gaza War

Documentation: A Hamas Sniper was Spotted Shooting - been Eliminated

IDF forces continued to fight in Shejaiya, Jabalia, and Khan Yunis, as combat teams eliminated terrorists and destroyed terrorist infrastructure.

JFeeds Staff | 14.12.23

Israel At War

A Hamas Terrorist who was Wounded in Battle is Hospitalized in Israel

A Hamas terrorist who took part in last night's (Tuesday) battles in the Gaza Strip in which 9 IDF soldiers were killed was hospitalized in the HaSharon Hospital. The IDF has not yet responded to the details.

JFeed Staff | 13.12.23

Israel - Gaza War

"Golani like Golani, charging forward and leaving no one behind"

Golani fighters are waging fierce battles against terrorist infrastructures in the Kasbah of Shejaiya in Gaza, after the difficult event in which nine fighters fell. The division commander said, "The commanders showed courage and composure, they jumped to help and were the first to rescue".

Yehudit Lazarovitch, JFeed Staff | 13.12.23

"Now We Will Win"

"We Lost Friends Here, Now We Will Win": Golani Fighters in Shejaiya

Golani fighters are returning to fight in Shejaiya - the terrorist stronghold of Hamas, after almost a decade since Operation Protective Edge. Then they lost many fighting friends: "We are here until victory," they promise.

JFeed Staff | 10.12.23

Israel-Gaza War

House to House Fighting Continues in Gaza | Watch

Fierce battles continue in Gaza alongside multiple closely coordinated air strikes. Watch: 

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 06.12.23

Israel-Gaza War

IDF Strike Creates Blast Waves Throughout Neighborhood | Watch

Footage released by the IDF from the fighting in Jebaliya reveals a strike on a home creating a blast wave throughout the neighborhood, pointing to the tunnels underneath.

JFeed Staff | 05.12.23