
Western Wall, Selichot
Remarkable Documentation: Approximately 70,000 People Gathered at the Western Wall for the Selichot prayer

Over 70,000 people attended last night the 17th Selichot ceremony at the Western Wall plaza. Huge screens were placed around the Western Wall for those who could not make it to the Square itself. View the documentation

JFeed | 24.09.23

Last Selichot at the Western Wall

Thousands in the final Selichot ceremony for the year 5783. Watch

Thousands streamed to the Western Wall plaza throughout the evening and night to recite forgiveness prayers for the last time in the year 5783. Following that, a Hatarat Nedarim (vow release) ceremony took place. Watch the documentation

JFeed | 15.09.23

Selichot at Sea

Watch: The students went to Selichot out in the sea

In the Ami"t Eitan High School in Ma'ale Adumim, they decided to vary even more: they rented a boat, sailed at midnight to the beach in Ashdod, and went out to recite forgiveness prayers at sea

JFeed | 12.09.23

Observing Selichot

Rabbi Lau: It is appropriate to observe Selichot without musical instruments

Israel's chief rabbi, Rabbi David Lau, published a letter in response to the requests sent that "it is appropriate to observe Selichot without musical instruments, but it should not be prevented"

JFeed | 21.08.23